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China-EU Relations
BRI and SDG: Chine
Globalance – Actio
China-EU Relations and Cooperation in SDGs and BRI International Webinar

日期:2021-9-13 15:51:36
Upon the suspension of EU-China CAI by the European Parliament, and its internal debate on the EU strategy towards China, China-EU relations is at crossroads which has stimulated uncertainty mixed with anxiety among policy and business professionals. In light of the recent development and challenges, EU still proposes open dialogue and engagement emphasizing the defense of core European interests and values (EP draft report on a new EU-China strategy), and China is still eyeing on the comprehensive strategic partnership with EU despite of the recent crosswinds. As two of the most important global players, the future of China-EU relations depends on reaching the consensus and cooperation on many key issues, including EU-China trade relations, climate change and SDGs, intellectual property protection, BRI along Central Asia and East Europe towards the EU east borders, etc. In this context, this webinar is inviting scholars and professionals familiar with China-EU relations, and aims to facilitate an open dialogue and debate, which we hope will contribute to the closer ties between the two to respond to the common challenges ahead.
1. The Oslo SDG Initiative, Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo, Norway
2. Center for China-EU Economic Cooperation, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), China
3. Center for Strategic Studies of Ministry of Education: Strategy Center for China’s Open Economy and International Technology Cooperation (SCOT), University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), China
4. Center for International Business Ethics, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), China
Time: Thursday, September 16, 2021, 9:00-10:30 CET (15:00-16:30 Beijing)
Platform: ZOOM webinar
Please click on the following link to watch the webinar. Registration is needed.
1. Keynote: Prof. Dr. Zhongping Feng, Director, Institute of European Studies, and Deputy Director Chinese Association for European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, CASS
2. Keynote: Dr. Hongjian Cui, Director, Department European Studies, China Institute of International Studies (CIIS), Director, Institute of European Studies and Chinese Association for European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, CASS
3. Keynote: Dr. Marina Rudyak, Institute for Sinology, Heidelberg University, Germany
4. Prof. Dr. Youfu Xia, Deputy Dean of Academy of China Open Economy Studies and Executive Director of Center for Strategic Studies of Ministry of Education: Strategy Center for China’s Open Economy and International Technology Cooperation (SCOT), Director, Center for China-EU Economic Cooperation (CCEEC), University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), China
5. Prof. Dr. Baocheng Liu, Director of Center for International Business Ethics, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), China
6. Prof. Dr. Yongsheng Zhao, Center on French Economy, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), China
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Dan Banik, Professor of Political Science, Director of The Oslo SDG Initiative, Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo, Norway
9:00-9:05 CETIntroduction
9:05-9:35 CETKeynote (7-10 min. each)
9:35-9:50 CETComment (5 min. each)

9:50-10:30 CETDiscussion and Q&A 


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