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Director Liu Baocheng attended the Bangkok Conference on Sustainability and Moral Responsibility

Date:2013-11-25 16:16:49
Professor Liu Baocheng, director of the Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE), was invited to attend the 28thannual Serial Conferences on Sustainability and Moral Responsibility in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference transpired October 8th to 12th 2013, held by Caux Round Table (CRT), the Chamber of Commerce, and the Board of Trade of Thailand. There were over fifty business leaders and famous scholars in attendance.
The Serial Conferences aimed at the provision of a statement of common principles for global sustainability and development. Content discussed included: the need for good business operations to fully embrace the interrelated and mutually dependent relationship between government, business and civil society; stakeholders’ interests, should be the primary consideration; the need for a rich set of ethical principles for doing business to underpin all business activities; the need for businesses to fully embrace the broader stakeholder, societal factors and environmental risks, and value drivers and financial goals. Finally, the necessity of wise management, good governance, and concern for common interests as core values of a healthy market economy.
Experts and scholars in the conferences also discussed about the principles and practices of CSR with Thai features, arguing in particular about the Theravada Buddhist practices, which function as a sophisticated form of risk management.
More information, please visit: http://www.cauxroundtable.org/
In terms of CSR and sustainable development, CIBE has kept a good, consistently cooperative relationship with CRT. In October of 2010, both organizations jointly held the annual conference in Beijing. A Value-Based Economy for China and the World: Charting the Path to a New Platform of Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility.
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