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2021 Epson ESG Investment Forum: Sustainable Development for a New Future

Date:2021-3-15 10:33:00
March 10th, 2021, CIBE Director Prof. Baocheng Liu is invited to deliver a keynote in the “2021 Epson ESG Investment Forum: Sustainable Development for a New Future”. The online forum is co-organized by Epson Group and 36Kr (a well-known Chinese media group on technology), by inviting ESG and impact investment experts from investment, business and academic circles, to discuss the innovative practices and new development of sustainable development and ESG/impact investment in China, as an open and inclusive platform for knowledge and expertise sharing among stakeholders. In his keynote, Prof. Liu has pointed out that, as businesses have reached almost every aspect of social life, corporate social responsible has become an increasingly important consideration of consumers and civil society, with issues of environmental protection, transparency, community engagement and other regional and global issues becoming un-neglectable subjects of corporate strategies and operations. While China has issued many policies and regulations concerning business ethics and sustainable development in recent years, and committed to reach the carbon dioxide emissions peak in 2030 and neutrality in 2060, China is on a fast track of learning, exploring and becoming a cornerstone in achieving SDG and the global commitment in the Paris Accord. Within such a context, companies operating in China need to accurately assess the development strategy, policies and new development of sustainable development in China, strengthen their own governance capability and enhance the transparency of not only the headquarters but also on the operation level with multi-stakeholders, in order to cater to the market opportunities of ESG and mutual development.

Forum replay (in Chinese): https://36kr.com/live/1113355204323585


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