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Director Liu Baocheng attended the Seminar of Business and Organizational Ethics Partnership

Date:2014-5-29 17:25:26
On May 15th, 2014, Professor Liu Baocheng, Director of CIBE, attended the Seminar of Business and Organizational Ethics Partnership at Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University. This meeting focused on discussing how to do business in China, the sustainability of China’s economy, and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in China. Prof. Liu addressed these questions in a talk that was titled "A Sustainable China".
Focusing on sustainable development and CSR, Prof. Liu gave a speech regarding various aspects of Chinese society. Prof. Liu pointed out in his speech that although China has made remarkable achievements, we still have a long way to realize sustainable development; CSR started late in China, but has attracted attention from both the government and the society. Together with the "universal values" in Confucian advocacy of benevolence and the Western idea of altruism, Chinese enterprises already have a wealth of practice in CSR. In addition, Prof. Liu answered questions of the audience on subjects ranging from the implementation of workplace standards to the role of benevolence in Chinese society.
Prof. Liu’s speech got a high recognition from the audience, the summary of speech can be found: http://www.scu.edu/ethics/practicing/focusareas/business/boep/ 
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