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Workshop on the Path of Green Economy and Sustainable Enterprises in the Developing Chinese Open...

Date:2014-6-28 9:28:55

 Workshop on the Path of Green Economy and Sustainable Enterprises in the Developing Chinese Open Economy

On June 20th, 2014, a workshop on the Path of Green Economy and Sustainable Enterprises in the Developing Chinese Open Economy was hosted by UIBE Business School and was jointly organized by the Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE), the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporation, the MBA Centre, EMBA Centre, EDP Centre and the Research Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management of UIBE Business School. President Shi Jianjun made a keynote speech at the opening ceremony. Attendees included government senior officials, distinguished scholars and entrepreneurs as well as UIBE alumni, UIBE EMBA students, MBA students, UIBE students from home and abroad.

Opening Speech by President Shi Jianjun

President Shi Jianjun made the opening speech on the implications of the workshop through three aspects including Open Economy Benefits both China and the Whole World, Green Economy as the Compelling Social Obligation and A Sustainable Enterprise is a Successful Enterprise. He pointed out that environmental issues have been gaining international attention since the 1970s. According to the strategic decisions made in the 18th CPC National Congress, we must build up a resource saving, pro-environmental and harmonious society, promote ecological progress and incorporate it into all aspects of the whole process of advancing economic, political, cultural and social progress. Considering the ever-increasing pressure of economic development, environmental issues and employment, it is both a realistic social focus and a significant academic subject to figure out how to create an active entrepreneurial environment, establish an effective supporting mechanism and assist the pioneers to pave the path for a green economy. Internationally, a new round of green entrepreneurship is gaining speed. Driving forces such as policy support, public opinions, financing service and industry infrastructure are being refined. Key universities have built professional research institutes, majors and degrees, in this regard. As a highly internationalized business and educational institute, UIBE Business School shoulders the responsibility to cultivate modern Chinese business leaders. As a first-class business school, she also bears the duty towards the integration of official administration, industry, study, research, media and capital and to build an international platform for the studies, training and transmission of green entrepreneurship.
Keynote Speech by Bob McDonald
Keynote Speech by MR. Liu Debing
Professor Fan Libo, Secretary of CPC of UIBE Business School, hosted the Keynote Speech Session. Mr. Bob McDonald (CEO of P&G) addressed the opportunities and challenges facing the multinational corporations in China. Meeting the requirement of consumers is a chief drive for the success of P&G. And a joint establishment of IP system and mechanism for innovation protection by the government and multinational enterprises will benefit both the internationalization of the enterprises and also the local economic development.  As a delegate of the most internationalized Chinese enterprise, Mr. Liu Debing (President of China General Consulting & Investment Co., Ltd.) delivered an impressive speech on the challenges and strategies for the Chinese enterprises involved in international businesses. It is a necessity for more foreign presence of Chinese enterprises and insufficient preparation could account for the challenges facing Chinese enterprises. As he suggested, Chinese enterprises should learn more about the world, strengthen their own competitive edge, perform in line with work ethics and with more confidence. Based on the discussion, Professor Fan Libo came up with two thought-provoking questions: Among all the multinational companies in China, which profits the most? As a multinational enterprise, what is the best international practice of P&G?  Mr. Bob McDonald gave a splendid answer. 
Round-table Seminar
Professor Liu Baocheng, Director of CIBE & the Research Center for Green Entrepreneurship, hosted round-table seminar. Professor Arie Lewin (Professor of Strategy and International Business, The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University) attributed the existence of sustainable enterprises to the needs of customers and Scale Effect. Mr. Syed Fakhar Ahmed (Director of Creating Shared Value & Special Projects Corporate Affairs, Nestlé Greater China Region) said that the focus of Nestle has changed from manufacturers firstly to suppliers and now to customers. Sustainable development goes in line with the requirement of three costs and is manifested by the development of water, nutrition and agriculture, which also demonstrates the social responsibility of a company. Mr. Liu Debing stressed on the responsibility and moral sense of the enterprises. Mr. He Dongdong  (Vice president of SANY Group) addressed from the perspective of entrepreneurship as well as sustainable development and remarked that only by marching into the green industry and relying on technology and green economy can an enterprise achieve success. Professor Li Ping (Professor of Department of International Business Communication, Copenhagen Business School) came up with the idea of “Simpler and Greener” and pointed out that enterprises should rely more on the second hometown and the second competitive edge. Mr. Ma Jianrong (Senior Vice President of JD Group) regarded Internet Business as a form of green economy. Professor Jason Yin (Deputy Dean of Stillman School of Business, Seton Hall University) expected China to seize the opportunity of internationalization, green economy and informatization in the second global Industrial Revolution. Mr. ZhiDongsheng (Deputy Director of Department of New Industries Research, Research Center of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council) and Liu Baocheng set the goal of internationalized business and scientific investment and management and expected courses on overseas presence of the SOEs. Detailed discussions were then made on green economy, opportunities and challenges facing multinational enterprises, sustainable development and on the social responsibility of enterprises. As for how to promote green economy, Professor Jason Yin, Arie Lewin and Li Ping agreed that we should enhance international communications, learn more lessons from the past and regard environmental protection as a business opportunity. But never can we sacrifice sustainability and fame of the enterprise for profit.  
In the following Q&A session, targeted replies were given on industrial responsibility, green economy and sustainable enterprises. 
On behalf of the UIBE Business School, Professor Fan Libo awarded certificates to Visiting Professors and had a photo session with them. The workshop also served as the opening ceremony of UIBE Research Center for Green Entrepreneurship. Professor Wang Yurong, Vice Director of the Center, gave a keynote speech on the purpose and development plan of the Center. The goal is to establish sustainable enterprises, which will also be green and open enterprises. She expressed her expectation to build an expert panel with international authority as well as the board of directors for the Center.
Donation Ceremony participated by Wang Furong, Liu Baocheng and Fan Libo
Mr. Wang Furong, President of Beijing Vision Green Business Limited, made a donation of RMB 200,000 to the UIBE Research Center for Green Entrepreneurship. He remarked that his company and the Research Center share the positioning and the goal. His company will provide boost services on consulting, media, funds and scientific support for the green enterprises including: 
Boost Service One: To transport the idea of green entrepreneurship and serve the green enterprises by Green Entrepreneurship Lectures, Green Entrepreneurship Training Camp, Green Entrepreneurship Magazine, Green Entrepreneurship Forum and Green Entrepreneur of the Year. 
Boost Service Two: To invest on the most promising green enterprises through Green Entrepreneurship Investment Foundation. 
Boost Service Three: Green Entrepreneurship Competition is a stage for the green enterprises. There will be a mentor group consisting of successful entrepreneurs, professors and investment experts. They will be the lifelong facilitators for the corresponding green enterprises and assist them in rounds of competitions and performance through television, Internet and other media channels. Under this circumstance, the participant enterprises will be boosted and attract capital such as direct investment from his company. 
Boost Service Four: Green Entrepreneurship Industrial Park is the incubator of green enterprises. His company will cooperate with the local governments, social organizations, distinguished entrepreneurs and capitalists to integrate the resources for green enterprises, and build Theme Industrial Parks in different areas for the development of green enterprises.
President Shi Jianjun and the Guests 
The workshop was capped off with an enthusiastic applause. 
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