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Foreign guests and students attended the opening ceremony

Date:2014-9-12 14:13:23

At 9:00 a.m. July 28th, the guests and students from France, Switzerland and Britain were present at the venue, Chengxin Building Room 715. After a short conversation, Prof. Liu Baocheng gave a welcoming speech which began with the introduction of “the way of great learning”, and then introduced the thought of green development in Chinese culture. Combining with the big problems in China such as low efficiency and high pollution, Prof. Liu explained the meaning of green development and encouraged the Chinese and foreign volunteers to make their own efforts to green development.

After the speech, two artists from Switzerland---Sonja and Walter gave a fantastic performance. Walter played the alphorn (a traditional instrument in Switzerland, up to 3 meters) and Sonja played cow bells (a kind of bell for the cows and goats in Switzerland which can be used as instrument like chimes). Even wooden spoons and one coin with a bowel can produce wonderful melody in their hands. 
Then, Ms Dong Shasha from CCTV and Ms Wu You from CRI as the anchorwomen to guide the students to exchange their opinions in culture difference, employment outlook and green development. 
At last, the professor from Universit t Basel---Manfred Max Bergman made a concluding speech.
Reported by Liu Peng, the reporter from Collegiate Social Responsibility Association, UIBE
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