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Face to face with Visa, learning through games

Date:2014-9-12 14:15:59
In the morning of July 29th, CIBE invited Wang Dong-the Director of China Affairs of Visa-and his colleagues to the summer camp to give a lecture. Mr. Wang took Visa as an instance to share his understanding about CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). In his opinion, CSR includes five aspects: universal education on finance, humanitarian aid, community support, responsible business operation, and kind donation. Meanwhile, Mr. Wang popularized some financial knowledge to the students. In the end, the students went inside the mobile publicity van of Visa to try the football video game.
Through the lecture and the games, the campers learned more in finance and CSR. In the end of the lecture, Mr. Wang gave three pieces of advice to the college students: to do things you are skilled in, to focus on the superior resources in your hometown, to listen lectures with your own thoughts.
Reported by Zhang Shiru
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