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Mr. Yu Zhihong lectured on CSR

Date:2014-11-27 15:08:20

At 2 o’clock, August 5th, Mr. Yu Zhihong, editor of China WTO Tribune and counselor of ZeyangTianxia Co., Ltd, attended Green Entrepreneurship Summer Camp. Firstly, Mr. Yu asked students to do a questionnaire about entrepreneurs on whom you like or dislike.

Mr. Yu put forward five issues about corporate social responsibility after students completed the questionnaire. And he made wonderful explanation in the following fields: whether social responsibility is needed in the era of Internet? Does corporate social responsibility just meet external pressure? He pointed our related theory and the trends of corporate social responsibility. 
Then, Mr. Yu talked on social responsibility of media and introduced China WTO Tribune. After the Q & A session, Mr. Yu took photos with students.
Reported by Zhu Xinkai, 
Collegiate Students’ Social Responsibility Association, 
University of International Business and Economics.
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