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Invitation Letter

Date:2010-3-5 12:57:09

The Collegiate Social Responsibility Student Association of University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) is the first Chinese student association that specifically concentrated on Social Responsibility. It will facilitate the CSR programs promotion driven by Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE) previously as soon as it’s established. The student association ambitiously plans make the CSR programs scaled up and increasingly influential and then, build a nationwide CSR students union which could promote the CSR developing into the further steps.

On behalf of CIBE, I would like to invite you to attend the Establishment Ceremony, and share your experiences on Social Responsibility. Please refer to the enclosures for more details about schedule and map. And please confirm your attendance by replying this email. Should you have any questions regarding this conference, please feel free to contact us.

Please confirm your attendance prior to 27th Nov by replying to our email or sending a fax to 86-10-64946502. Should you have any questions regarding this conference, please contact us directly.
With best wishes

Please fill in the reply form and send it back to info@cibe.org.cn:

☆ According to the suggestion of the university, we strongly encourage each conference participant to take public transportation to the conference site. As parking is not available, the use of alternative transportation methods will allow for convenient movement into and out of the campus area.

Contact: Jessie Zhang                         Tel: 86-10-64913980
Email: jessie.cibe@gmail.com

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