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CIBE Attends the 2010 Climate Justice and CO2-Budget Conference

Date:2010-4-27 11:00:04

On the 15th and 16th of April, 2010, the "CASS Forum (2010 Economics) - Climate Justice and the Carbon Budget Approach" launched at Hotel Kunlun in Beijing. It was made possible by a cooperation of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Chinese Academy of Urban Development and Environment Institute, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Misereor.

Global Climate change has become a topic on political agendas worldwide. Nations all over the world have put to develop a carbon budget in their agendas after Copenhagen. Experts and scholars from Germany, China, Japan and India shared their opinions on how nations can arrive at a just burden-sharing arrangement. The German approach was based on per capita cumulative carbon emissions. A national carbon reduction plan and a world climate bank will be required to manage the process. However, the program did not recognize the historical responsibility of developed countries. China's approach advocated the principle of equality of opportunity for all. This thought not only emphasized the historical responsibility of developed countries, but also contributes to the international climate of fairness. India's ideas emphasized the equitable distribution of "Carbon Space" (hot air problem).Developed countries must reduce emissions immediately. China and other developing countries should also reduce emissions. Japan stressed the market plays an important role to promote climate justice and called for the establishment of a unified global carbon trading market.

The purpose of this conference was to construct an international climate regime and promote climate justice. The success of a joint meeting of national experts and scholars broke the deadlock in the climate change progress. It also called on governments, particularly governments in developed countries, to bear the historical responsibility of climate change.

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