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The 3rd "Corporate Social Responsibility" Paper Competition: Preview of Final Assessment and Awards

Date:2010-4-27 11:00:41

The 3rd "Corporate Social Responsibility" Paper Competition has now entered the final assessment stage. On April 22nd, 2010, CIBE invited Liu Guangming, Researcher of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Liu Manhong, Professor of Renmin University, Qian Jianchu, Chief Editor of China Commerce and Trade Press, Hu Chengsheng, Vice President of China International Economics Technology Law And Human Resources Association and other eight experts and scholars to rank the final 24 selected papers. Ultimately, we have selected One First Prize, Two Second Prizes, Three Third Prizes, Four Individual Prizes and one Award for Best Original Research. The award ceremony will be held on May 13th at 7:00 pm at the International Conference Hall of the University of International Business and Economics. CIBE, judges, guest speakers and winners will attend the ceremony together. In addition to those prizes mentioned above, we will also award the Award for the Best Paper in English, Two Awards for Outstanding organizations and the Special Thanks Award.

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