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Future Leadership Seminar - How TOTAL Group practice Sustainable Development and CSR

Date:2010-6-3 17:19:03

On the evening of May 26, 2010, "Future Leadership Seminar - How TOTAL Group Practice Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility" was given at Ningyuan Building of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE). The seminar is sponsored by CIBE and organized by Collegiate Social Responsibility Student Association. Audience includes participants of "Corporate Social Responsibility" Paper Competition. The purpose of the seminar is to enhance participants' research, writing and English communication skills, and extend their international horizons and improve their cross-cultural thinking capacity. We invited Total's Mr. Jean-Pierre Cordier and Total's CSR program officer Miss Li Xiao to deliver a speech.

In the half-hour lecture by Mr. Jean-Pierre Cordier, he took Total Group as an example to explain that enterprises not only play an increasingly important role in the economy, but also in the social system. With the deepening of globalization worldwide, it is becoming more and more obvious that large enterprises have a big impact on society. He also explained what is sustainable development and corporate social responsibility in an industrial enterprise, especially in oil and gas companies. At the same time, he introduced Total Group's corporate social responsibility policy and how Total put its social policy into practice.

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