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Social Exposure Program Press Conference & Appreciation Dinner Invitation

Date:2010-12-1 16:31:37

Dear Mr./Ms.,
Since its establishment, the Center for International Business Ethics at University of International Business and Economics (CIBE) has initiated series of Social Exposure Program featuring various forms and abundant contents, which concerned wide range of topics including the enhancement of social responsibilities awareness, aid of vulnerable groups, education on public integrity and etc. Thanks to the supports from all social circles, this program was highly praised and brought active social influences.
To express our gratitude for your supports and to build an interaction platform for all parties involved, CIBE will hold a press conference & appreciation dinner of the Social Exposure Program on December 12th, 2010, to report the program progress, moreover, call for more public concerns and involvement for our program.

Time: 4.00pm-8.00pm, Sunday, December 12th, 2010
Location: The Latin Grillhouse, C1-11, Block 1, Solana, 6 Chaoyang Park Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing. (Tel: 010-59056126/8 )
Guests: Sponsors & benefited groups of relevant projects; representatives of media, companies and organizations who concern about CSR
Organizer: Center for International Business Ethics at University of International Business and Economics

On behalf of CIBE, we sincerely invite you to attend the conference and dinner in acknowledgement of your great contributions and full supports to Social Exposure Program.
To prepare the dinner, we really appreciate if you could confirm your presence by Dec. 10. We are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Sincerely yours,
Center for International Business Ethics,
University of International Business and Economics

Conference Program

Time: 4.00pm-8.00pm, Sunday, December 12th, 2010
Location: The Latin Grillhouse, C1-11, Block 1, Solana, 6 Chaoyang Park Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing.
Participants: Sponsors & benefited groups of relevant projects; representatives of media, companies and organizations who concern about CSR
Organizer: Center for International Business Ethics at University of International Business and Economics (CIBE)
Emcee: Ms. Huang Lei

Inviting guests:
Bayer China
Beijing Municipal Commission of the China Communist Youth League
Beijing Wucailu Children Behavior Rehabilitation Centre
Bentley System, Beijing
Cangzhou Enji Bioproduct Co., Ltd.
China Association of International Business Negotiation
China Credit Research Center, Peking University
China International Economy Science Technology Law and Human Resources Association
China WTO Tribune
China Youth Talent Training Center (CYTTC)
China Charity Federation
Credit Suisse First Boston-Beijing Office
CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd.
Huafeng Group of Meteorological Audio & Video Information, China Meteorological Administration
IMS Market Research Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Israel Chemical Group
Mars Foods (China) Co.,Ltd.
Misereor Foundation-Office China
Peugeot Citroen (China) Automotive Trade Co., Ltd.
Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Limited
Preparatory Commission of Beijing CSR Association
Research In Motion Limited
Seton Hall University, New Jersey, USA
Standard Chartered Bank
Suzhou Dachuan Science&Technology Co.,Ltd.
The Beijing Center
The Central Newsreel and Documentary Film Studio
The French Chamber of Commerce
The German Embassy
The Indian Chamber of Commerce
TOTAL (CHINA) Investment Co., Ltd.
Youth League Committee of University of International Business and Economics

Collegiate Social Responsibility Series
 * CSR Essay Competition
 * CSR Workshop
 * Future City China Design Competition
 * Anti-HIV Programme
 * Climate Change Campus Tour
 * Business Negotiation Competition
 * CSR Summer Camp

Philanthropy Program
 * The China Charity Federation Reindeer Foundation for Autistic Children
 * Nanpi No. 1 Middle School
 * Daguo Primary School

Public Education
 * Documentary: Integrity China

 * CIBE firstly give a brief introduction of every project (3 minutes), followed by a short presentation (3 minutes) about the motivation of supporting the project (sponsor’s side) & a brief narrative (4 minutes) about the involvement and benefits (beneficiaries’ side).
 * Informality and a relaxed party climate are preferred.

 * Truth-based
 * Materials collection: Text and pictures offered by beneficiaries; CSR news and materials offered by sponsors.
 * PPT slideshow and posters are needed.

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