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The First Council Meeting of the Rothlin Primary School

Date:2010-12-2 10:19:18

On the evening of Nov.19, 2010, the first Council meeting of the Rothlin Primary School, located in Nanpi County, Henbei Province, was held in the Peking Mountain Xiang Club House. The meeting was hosted by the director of CIBE, Professor Liu Baocheng, as well as the director of the Rothlin Primary School Council. Members of the council and relevant staff were present at the meeting and the honorary headmaster of the Rothlin Primary School, Dr .Rothlin also presided.

The subject of the meeting regarded the constitution of the Rothlin Primary School’s council. First, Wang Donghui, the Secretary-General of the council and the headmaster of the School, made a brief introduction of the School and provided information about the difficulties the school was confronted with. Then, Li Bo, the Deputy Secretary-General, introduced the process of the foundation of the Council. Those present engaged in an in-depth discussion about the main content of the constitution, management patterns, and the exploration of implementing a modern school management system.

At last, the directors and staff present at the meeting assumed full responsibility for promoting the educational and managerial tasks of the School. Additionally, they vowed to integrate highly-qualified social resources to further the development of education while enabling children to set up dignified senses of worth and world-views. Furthermore, the council created a new objective, to make Rothlin Primary School a famous primary school characterized with internationalism  which would cultivate more and more ridgepoles for the local county.

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