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AIDS Prevention and Treatment Project Promotion on Campus

Date:2010-12-6 10:39:45

On the evening of 23rd Nov, 7pm, AIDS Prevention and Treatment Project sponsored by Standard Charted Bank, was held by CSR in room434, Ningyuan Building, UIBE. Under the grounds of social responsibility, CSR spread the knowledge of AIDS among students, aiming at cultivating the students’ own social responsibility to pay attention to this disadvantaged group.

Early that day, CSR held a road show in the mini-square of the Hongyuan building as well as handed out leaflets, which grabbed the attention of many conscientious students. Through the promotion, the contest in the evening was on its way towards success.

That evening's activity carried on in the form of an AIDS knowledge quiz. The contestants were divided into groups. Each group consisted of two people. The competition was divided into four rounds: Must Answer, the Judgment, Game Interaction and Risk Questions. Students in UIBE took an active part in the activity. There were nine groups of contestants and 434 students arrived to compete. In the round of Must Answer, there was no obvious discrepancy as all the contestants were well prepared. In the second round, the Judgment requested the contestants to judge with only a “Yes” or “No” to carry on the judgment. Because many schoolmates were too excited to choose the answer, great laughter arose. The third round requested the contestants to answer questions while moving a pingpong ball with chopsticks. Though the contestants were excited, they were still calm enough to answer the questions. Many contestants spent tremendous strength yet failed to clamp the pellet, which made the spectators burst into successive laughter. Finally there was the Risk Question round. The atmosphere was a little bit serious. All the contestants went all out to win the championship.

At last, the fourth group encircled and won the championship. The president of CSR gave awards to the top three winners and took a photo as a memory. After the activity, a lot of schools expressed their satisfaction towards the arrangement of the activity where they were able to enjoy the competition process and obtain the souvenirs and also gained knowledge of AIDS as well as strengthened their own social responsibilities. 

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