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CIBE Social Action Project Presentation and Return Banquet

Date:2010-12-22 17:44:21

On Dec 12th, 2010, CIBE held the first social action project presentation and return banquet to acknowledge the great support of all the communities and their active participation in CIBE activities. Besides, it meant to call on more and more social institutions to take part in social responsibility activities, involving cultivating college students’ social responsibility, paying attention to disadvantaged group and enhancing public integrity education, etc.

There were over sixty representatives and guests from institutions, overseas-funded enterprises, Universities, media presented in the presentation. There were Global Contract Chinese Network Centre Office, China Charity Federation, Seton Hall University, Missereor Foundation, Chinese Academy of Social Science, The Central Newsreel and Documentary Film Studio, China WTO Tribune, Credit Suisse First Boston-Beijing Office, Mars Foods (China) Co., Ltd, China Unicome Co., Ltd, Sinotrans, Chinese International Public Relation Association, China Association of International Business Negotiation, China Youth Talent Training Center (CYTTC), Suozhou Dachuan Science& Technology Co., Ltd, CCTV9, Beijing Youth Journal, Global Business School Information Co., Ltd, etc.

The projects presented in this meeting were divided into three categories: Collegiate Social Responsibility Series, Philanthropy Program and Public Education. It began with the welcome speech by Dr. Rothlin, the secretary-general of CIBE, expressing the gratitude towards presented guests and emphasizing the initiative and goal of the series of social action projects. After that, the presentation officially began.

Firstly was the presentation of Collegiate Social Responsibility Series. Liu Pinrui, the project manager gave a brief introduction of the projects and how they were going on. Those projects included CSR Essay Competition, CSR Workshop, Future City China Design Competition, Climate Change Campus Tour, E-library of Ethnics, Business Negotiation Competition, CSR Summer Camp and College Social Responsibility Association. Since 2007, as the founder and promoter of the Collegiate Social Responsibility Series, CIBE had spared great efforts on building the brand-new concept of Collegiate Social Responsibility by multiplex activities, enhancing the awareness of college students’ social responsibility and nurturing backbones for future integrity society. The series were highly spoken by the leaders of UIBE and greatly supported by enterprises. Till now, there had been more than 80 universities and colleges participating in the series. There had been five pieces of awarded essays of CSR Essay Competition published in China WTO Tribune. What’s more, Seton Hall University had offered full-covered MBA scholarship for Liu Xixi, the first prize winner of the 3rd CSR Essay Competition. The first prize team of Future City China Design Competition would do a paid internship in headquarter of Bentley Software Co., Ltd in Philadelphia, US, free of travel expense. Apart from the institutions mentioned, CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd, Standard Chartered Bank, Huafeng Group of Audio & Video Information, China Bureau of Meteorological Administration, IMS Market Research Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd、Peugeot Citroen (China) Automotive Trade Co., Ltd, Bayer China, Siemens, Chinese Academy of Architecture, China Association of International Business Negotiation, Globethics.net, had also offered financial support, campus promotion, internship and publishing support. Then, Zhou Cong, the representative of College Social Responsibility Association, presented the foundation of CSR Association under the guidance of CIBE and how the projects were going on. CSR Association was the first student association aiming at promoting college students’ social responsibility established by students. CSR Association had organized and promoted a series of activities and by cooperating with other universities, it tried to normalize the series of social responsibility activities.

Secondly was the presentation of Philanthropy Programs. At first, Li Bo, the project manager briefly introduced the current status of Autism and the development of The China Charity Federation Reindeer Foundation for Autistic Children. As CIBE took the charge of the charity, with the support and management of China Charity Federation, CIBE organized a lot of promoting campaign. For example, CIBE exhibited photos of autistic children in EXPO, letting more groups of people get to know the existence of autistic group. In the October of 2010, CIBE invited Swedish experts to Beijing for the training of autistic children remedy institutions and the parents of autistic children, introducing the latest international remedy- TEACCH. CIBE provided great help to the Rothlin Primary School and the No.1 Junior High School in Nanpi County, Hebei Province, by not only improving the school conditions and funding financially disadvantaged students, but also inviting educational experts, spreading education concept and enlarging the horizon of students and teachers there. Therefore, a number of benevolent people offered their help to Nanpi County. They were, the ambassador of Austria-his Excellency Mariin Sajdik, parliamentarian of British House of Lords-Knight David Alton, the headmaster of British Stonyhorst Junior High School-Andrew Johnson and many visiting scholars, professors, experts and company chiefs. On account of Dr. Rothlin’s tremendous help, Nanpi County government named the primary school after Dr. Rothlin. CIBE called upon the Israel Chemical Corporation donating a package of water purification equipment to solve the problem of the school drinking water that contained microbes and excessive fluoride content. Wang Donghui, the headmaster of Rothlin Primary School, and Yang Hongliang, the headmaster of Nanpi No.1 Junior High School expressed their gratitude to Professor Liu Baocheng and Dr. Rothlin for their long-term material and mental assistance. Some of the autistic children and their parents and teachers were also invited to the presentation.

The third part was the presentation of public education. The eight-episode documentary named Integrity in China was a TV series aiming at promoting contemporary Chinese credit system construction, which will become a heatedly-debated topic both in society and in political area. It would be filmed by The Central Newsreel& Documentary Film Studio, China Credit Research Center (CCRC), and China International Economy Science Technology Law& Human Resources Association. It would consult government officials, enterprise chiefs and scholars in credit field. In the 4.16 Forum in 2010, it made an official start-up. Experts from all fields gave in-depth and systematic advices in both theory and practice to the writing of script. Recently, the directors were doing the interviews towards government officials, enterprise chiefs and scholars in credit field. Assumedly, it would finish the filming and post-production at the end of 2011 and would be put on air. Guo Benmin, the deputy charger of The Central Newsreel& Documentary Film Studio, spoke highly of the project and gave a brief introduction of the current status of the project and the next-step plan. As one of the sponsors, Xiao Yunqing, the CEO of Suzhou Dachuan Science& Technology Co., Ltd, briefly introduced the background of the sponsorship and their expectation.

At the end of the presentation was the scholarship awarding ceremony of Seton Hall University. Yin Zunsheng, the assistant dean of business school in Seton Hall, made a congratulation speech. He pointed that Stillman College put great emphasis on the long-term strategic cooperate partnership with CIBE. The future responsibility and leadership oriented CSR Essay Competition, held by CIBE, was in compliance with the education aim of Stillman College. Liu Xixi, the winner of the competition, stood out from tons of competitors and was awarded full-covered scholarship. Meanwhile, Professor Yin expressed that Stillman College would continually support and sponsor the CSR Essay Competition. Liu Xixi was the first student received the full-covered scholarship from foreign university in CSR Essay Competition in China, which was the great award for the winner and would also encourage potential students to take part in the competition.

At the end of the presentation, Liu Baocheng, the director of CIBE, gave a short conclusion. He recognized the significance of these projects, acknowledged the assistance of project supporters and made a future plan for CIBE. He emphasized that values and responsibility would attract great attention in the next 30 years. In the meantime, the construction of society soft power would be the challenge for the future leader, company managers and young people.

This presentation shared thankfulness to every guest and strived to offer a communication stage for exchanging ideas. CIBE hoped to take the advantage of this opportunity to attract more support from society to care about the students in remote and poverty area, to cultivate the responsibility awareness and action of college students, to help the disadvantaged group of autistic children, to pay attention to social integrity, to train the future leaders equipped with both ability and political integrity and to promote the construction of harmonious society. 

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