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the 9th Transnational Corporations China Forum was successfully held at the China World Hotel

Date:2011-3-3 21:48:36

On March 1st, 2011, the 9th Transnational Corporations China Forum was successfully held at the China World Hotel in Beijing.

More than 300 participants, including governmental officials, scholars, and entrepreneurs from government department, Transnational Corporation (TNCs), the state-owned enterprises (SOEs), and private enterprises, were gathered with regards to the topic of “TNCs and China’s Peaceful Rising”. Representatives from CIBE were invited to attend the forum as well.

During this one-day long forum, participants discussed the positive role of TNCs in China during the new economic era as the engine for global economic growth, the catalyst for Chinese economic transformation, and the alliance for the peaceful rise of China. They also strived to look for possible paths that Chinese enterprises can “Go out”, meaning to become a transnational corporation by investing in other countries, and at how Chinese enterprises’ can build up their own compliance system and culture by learning from successful practices of TNCs. 

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