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The membership event of “Ethic code and CSR in China” was a success

Date:2011-4-1 8:39:48

The first membership event for the Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE) in 2011 was successfully held in room 439, Ningyuan Building at the University of International Business and Economics on March 23rd.

The “Ethic codes and CSR in China” event, designed to bring a better understanding of  how business ethics affects corporate management and the CSR implement, strived to carry forward the development of CSR in the Chinese context by strengthening the cooperation and communication in relevant areas.

The event attracted over 50 CIBE members from various societies as well as Dr. Wang Xiaoguang, the Deputy Director of the Global Compact China, who gave the keynote speech. Benefited from his abundant experiences and long-time practices, Dr. Wang delivered a keynote speech of rich content by recalling the history of Global Compact, introducing its implement in China especially in the state-owned enterprises and the foreign investment enterprises, and the challenges they had to face.
After the keynote speech, Professor Liu Baocheng, the director of CIBE; Dr. Stephan Rothlin, the secretary-general of CIBE; Professor Ye Chengang, from University of International Business and Economics; and Ms. Sun Liping, from Green Consumption, shared their own viewpoints. The lively discussion between the guests and the audiences grew heated as a result of the different opinions the participants held.

The active participation of the members left the membership event at a good end. As some of the members said, given the fact that CSR has drawn attention from multiple academies, entrepreneurs, and governmental departments, launching these kinds of events will give strong impetus to make CSR known by the public. These events are also hoping to raise Chinese enterprises’ CSR awareness as well as their ability to set the CSR theories into action.

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