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The 2nd Symposium on Sino-European Cultural Exchange and Applied Ethics Held Ceremoniously

Date:2011-5-18 20:44:30

This Year, 2011, marks the 420th anniversary of the death of Johann Adam Schall von Bell. On 6th of May, the “2nd Symposium on Sino-European Cultural Exchange and Applied Ethics” was successfully held at the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), following the fruitful 1st symposium commemorating Matteo Ricci on May 11th, 2010.

This year’s symposium was co-organized by the University of International Business & Economics, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany to China; executed by The Beijing Center for Chinese Studies (TBC), Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE) at UIBE, and the International Business Chinese language teaching and resource development base (Beijing) at UIBE. This symposium aimed to create a platform for sharing constructive proposals that incite cooperative initiatives towards sustainable development of Sino-European relations union and prosperity of less developed regions in China as well as the world.

There were more than 150 experts, scholars, and entrepreneurs both from China and European in attendance for the symposium. Norbert Riedel [Deputy Head of Mission, German Embassy to China] delivered an opening address giving high praises to the historic contributions of Johann Adam Schall von Bell. Then, Prof. Lin Guijun, the Vice-president of UIBE; Ms. Barbara Möhlendick, principle of this years “the Year of China” program in Cologne (Germany); and Prof. Roberto Mesquita Ribeiro, the principle of TBC, all delivered speeches and expressed their sincere wishes to the success of this year’s symposium.

The symposium focused on two main topics: Johann Adam Schall von Bell’s spirit and its historic significance & the practical issues between Sino-European cooperation. Prof. Klaus Schatz, Sankt Georgen Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology, Frankfurt am Main; Dr. Zhang Lu, College of Literature, Law & Politics, China University of Mining & Technology; Prof. Yang Huiling, Vice-president of Renmin University of China; and Mr. Dai Jie, Honorary Chairman of European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, brought their keynotes and shared their ideas on relevant topics from multiple aspects including historical, philosophical, cultural, and economic.

In the end, Attilio Massimo Iannucci, Ambassador of Italy, made the conclusion. In reflecting on the success of last year’s symposium, he spoke highly to the academic achievement of the symposium. He also expected that the vision and mission of the symposium should be carried on to contribute to promote and enhance intercultural understandings and cooperation between China and the west under the contemporary globalization setting.

A guided tour to the Ancient Observatory and Johann Adam Schall von Bell Tomb, located in Beijing Administrative College, was arranged after the half-day symposium. Dr. Michael Schaefer, Ambassador of Germany, presented a flower laying ceremony on the tomb to honor the memory of this antecessor of Sino-western friendship.

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