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Winners of 4th Collegiate Social Responsibility Essay Competition

Date:2011-7-10 14:39:21

Winners of 4th Collegiate Social Responsibility Essay Competition 4th Collegiate Social Responsibility Essay Competition, 2011

Center for International Business Ethics, in cooperation with academic and business partners, initiated and launched the Collegiate Social Responsibility Essay Competition in 2008, aiming to promote the awareness of Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility among college/university students, and facilitate the development of socially-minded business leaders of tomorrow.
As the next generation of leaders and backbones of social development, these students requires awareness, aspiration and action to engage the social challenges that lay ahead. Concepts learned and capabilities developed now will be integrated into their future careers. Promoting the discussion fundamental issues, such as Corporate Social Responsibility, is not only a great investment in students’ professional development, but also a commitment of building our shared future.

Winners of 4th Collegiate Social Responsibility Essay Competition
Out of the 2,266 individual participants and 70 universities, through the triple-round evaluation sessions, 20 college/university students have been awarded prizes for their excellent performances in composing the essays, and 2 universities for their contributions to organizing the competition.

       The fourth session of college students' social responsibility of the enterprise essay contest winners paper list

paper topics

paper author



The research of corporate social responsibility of government incentives --to the electric car market for example

Chen Hao\Lu Xincheng\Wang Siqi

University of International Business and Economics

 First prize

The analysis based on the practice of fair trade enterprise society responsibility

Wang Xiqi\Zhang Yue

South China University of Technolog

Second prize

Establish enterprise's survival and development and the social responsibilities of intermediary-to large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises and poor area as an example of two-way interaction

Chen Degang

Hubei University

Second prize

The comparative study of  the social responsibility fund and the traditional investment fund under the perspective of social responsibility

Wang Long

Peking University

Third prize

The social responsibility of the enterprise's new connotation-credit responsibility under the credit economy field view

Cong Yibo

China University of Political Science and Law

Third prize

the theory on the security of enterprise labor rights and interests

Ren Shen

Hebei university of industry and commerce

Third prize

The Localization Of The Grameen Credit System In China

Chang Cong\Liu Jinyu\Yang Xiaocheng

University of International Business and Economics

William Valentino prize

Transnational operations—China's answer

Liu Dajian

Tianjin University

Best English Prize

the analysis on the ability of the generate mechanism and the countermeasures and suggestions based on system dynamics to corporate social responsibility

Sun Jian\Shen Pin\Shen Yan

Hebei University of Science and Technology

Best of the original research

From the legal Angle on our country's social responsibility in today's China's development and governance

Kuang Yuming

China University of Political Science and Law

Single winning

The social responsibility of the enterprise of economic analysis method

Luo Yi

China University of Political Science and Law

Single winning

the research on how to increase our social responsibility investment scale problems

Shi Songtao

Central China normal university

Single winning

the research on Enterprise to perform resources environment responsibility and sustainable development

Ye Zhiwei

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Single winning

Chinese University of Politics and Law

Best Organization

Industrial & Commercial College, Hebei University

Best Organization

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