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2011 China Credit 4.16 Summit Forum

Date:2011-8-24 10:13:16

2011 China Credit 4.16 Summit Forum and the 7th Annul Experience Exchange Meeting on the construction of National Credit System were held in CPPCC (Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference) auditorium on April 16th, the “Credit Construction Day”. This credit forum was co-sponsored by School of Economics from Peking University, Chinese Credit Research Center, The Center for International Business Ethics from the University of International Business and Economics, and the Chinese Credit Building Promotion Committee, i.e. National Market Credit Construction Alliance, which consists more than 20 national organizations from all over the country.

Topics of the summit forum were harmonious society and credit construction, involving the 12th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and how to build social credit in the process of urbanization. Discussions were made from the aspects of finance, economy, humanity, society, etc.

A series of seminars focusing on “China's economic and social sustainable development of a  Credit Construction” were carried out by vice President of the School of Economics at Peking University, as well as director of the Chinese credit Research Centre Zheng Zhang, famous jurist Ping Jiang, state council advisor Professor Qingyun Li, and general manager of Patriot Company Jiqing Yang. At the opening ceremony, the forum announced the 2010 China Credit Co-construction recommended annual list, awarded winners of the 2011 China Credit Construction Essay Contest, and played the propaganda television documentary “The Trustworthy China”, which was jointly made by Central Newsreel and Documentary Film Studio, The Center of International Business Ethics, Chinese Credit Research Center and China International Economy Science Technology Law & Expertise Society.

After a two-year pilot project, the first assessment report of the most watched Evaluation of Credit Environment for Chinese Cities is finally released at the Forum’s opening ceremony, exposing 50 Chinese cities with favorable credit environment including Zhuhai.



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