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On Students and The Future of CSR (July 18, morning)

Date:2011-8-24 10:20:21

The second “Collegiate Social Responsibility Summer Camp” finally started this morning. It was full of expectation and excitement to me. The opening ceremony of the summer camp included campers’ self introduction and speeches from both guiding teachers and special guests. There were 34 campers from 18 renowned universities all over the country. The two guiding teachers shared their understanding of CSR from their own experiences. Of course, the most impressive part was the speech of renowned professor Baocheng Liu from University of International Business and Economics. Professor Liu's speech was short but meaningful. The topic flowed from the changes within the whole world to responsibilities of the modern society, from practicing social responsibilities to CSR, and finally from CSR to the main body of carrying out CSR—the young college students.

Both the personal experiences of the teacher and the wonderful theoretical analysis of professor Liu have left us with deep reflection. Taking the social responsibility is the obligations of every citizen, and the youth is the main body of citizens, thus the youth would bear the burden of the social responsibilities. Of course, in order to better carrying out their social responsibility, not only human participation is needed, but also more knowledge and methods. As the main force of the youth and social elite, college students should understand the social responsibility of the enterprise, and even shoulder the responsibility. Liang Qichao once said:“Junior strong in China , and the rise and fall of the country” the extension meaning is that the performance of Chinese college student will have an impact on the future development of China. In the modern time, the ideology and action of us student will deeply affect the future development of our society. So, it’s long way to fulfill our social responsibility.

In order to better fulfill social responsibility, we had better follow the 3A. The so-called 3A represents Awareness, Attitude and Action. To better perform the social responsibility of the college students, we must firstly set up the right social concept of responsibility, because the right concepts can positively push the objective action. The right concept should be that it is our responsibilities and obligations to shoulder social responsibilities. Only undertaking of responsibilities could promote the development of society. Secondly, we should transform the potential concept into the attitude of daily life. The so-called attitude determines your altitude. Only if positive attitude was developed, could we produce a better effect when fulfilling the social responsibility. Finally, after forming a positive attitude of social responsibilities, we need to take actions, the so-called "Thousands of ideas rather than one action". Ideas would remain daydreaming unless they were put into actions. In addition, we college students shall start from those near and trivial, as expressed in the saying "Do not think any virtue trivial, and so neglect it". Raising awareness, cultivating attitude, and taking action is systematic way for college students to take social responsibilities. Only in this way can we better perform social responsibility.

There is a long way to go on the path of carrying out our social responsibility. This is just the beginning, we need to look forward and never give up.

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