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Reviews on “About Bentley’s Sustainable Development”

Date:2011-8-24 10:21:09

It is our great honor to invite Zhao Shunnai, an engineer from Bentley Software Company, to give us a speech about social responsibility today. He starts his speech with “What is the Bentley”, “Why Bentley supports CSR” and “How to take the responsibility”. To tell the truth, although I studied science in high school, I know little about software engineering. Originally I thought that Bentley manufactured Bingley, after Mr. Zhao’s explanation I start to realize that Bentley Company is a leading global enterprise, committed to providing comprehensive and sustainable solutions about infrastructure software. Buildings such as the London city hall, our water cube and the capital airport terminal T3 are based on its software design.

I used to think that social responsibility of the enterprise was simply enterprise using profits in the form of capital to contribute to the society, or at the bottom line not doing anything harmful to the interests of society. I rarely thought about the issue from the viewpoint of company's core values and the construction of infrastructure. Bentley’s introduction today opened a window for me. As the second largest global provider of geographic information software solutions, Bentley is not taking future development simply for economic profits. As is known to all, there is more and more pressure to live in the city, and the ecological problems are becoming more and more serious. The reality of our deteriorating environment has been worsening day by day, making us think about pressure relief from the beginning. Admittedly, the choice of saving energy and environmental protection material to build infrastructure is very important, but the design is also a key link. From the lecture I learnt that Bentley sticks to "Improve planning and design of the plant, with a green environmental protection, energy conservation and emission reduction for requirements, and take the most beautiful appearance of the urban, the natural fusion and the ecological implementation into consideration". This reminds me of the new library in our school. It is said that the new library does not use the air conditioners but groundwater circulation to achieve the effect of cooling. Maybe the initial investment is too huge to cover the costs in several years, but this kind of design helps our school saving a large sum of expenses, and at the same time being friendly to the environment. From this perspective, the design could be viewed to be very important.
Students were very active during the lecture, and raised a lot of questions. So did I. As for the case of the three gorges dam, experts can always list hundreds of advantages for the public before construction, persuading people to believe that there being all good but no harm to build it in every possible way. However the reality shows that besides all kinds of corruption and etc., simply poor design in the start has led to the increasingly emerging of ill-conceived malaises. The people around the dam obviously felt the climate worsening, and the original benefit fell from expectation. Of course, it can be argued that design technology is only a positive way to realize modeling and there are many other factors affecting the final performance. The sickness of our society can be presented by the fact that in China un-professionals command professionals. Some accidents were caused by poor management. They cannot be simply avoided by improving design. Consequently, it also highlights the importance of social responsibility.

Luo Yonghao once said: "Through changing the world let people believe that it is possible to change the world......" And I should say: "Through their social responsibility make people believe that social responsibility should and could perform". To further illustrate the topic, deep thoughts have tremendous influence on action. Perhaps our ability cannot meet the practice demands right now, but arming of thought can never be ignored. The experience of Engineer Shunnai Zhao gave me lots of enlightenment: making a plan for your future professional career and find your position (or is it thought status), confidence, grasp every opportunities, make efforts and finally successes.

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