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Thoughts after visiting Lenovo (on July 20th)

Date:2011-8-24 10:22:14

The Development of Lenovo
Lenovo started its business in a 10 square meter room, and it spent 27 years growing to be become an innovative high-tech company with a dominant position in Asia. Besides the success achieved, we were even more impressed by its team building, characterized by patriotism, public welfare-caring and great cohesion. Integrity, perseverance and innovation describe Lenovo’s trait, which is the cornerstone all along the way. It lights the future of our nation with the fact that many high-end products it launched, such as Thinkpad, Idea, are among the top. As a nation can hardly achieve prosperity without innovation, Lenovo is the one that brings us hope.
We, as PC enthusiasts, really hope to see the Chinese enterprises winning a foothold in the world, and Lenovo is just an example inspiring us. All the efforts it made for innovation reminds us that it is urgent to revive the national industry, even though the driving force may be profit. At the same time, we realized that we cannot seek for personal interest at the price of national interest.
CSR Practice
The photos of voluntary activities presented by teacher Luo touched us. When asked the meaning, she gave us a wonderful explanation: employees’ participation strengthens the cohesion and arouses new concept, both of which contribute to more responsible and active behavior that benefits our society. Should we give our hands to those who are in need, we would get the same feeling. It will be a combination of personal value and public welfare, that is, we fulfill our life and contribute to the society at the same time. We collage students are all ready for that.
With regard to CSR practice, Lenovo makes “customer-orientation, innovation, integrity, reciprocity” its core concept, and carries on its responsibility in fields of digital divide elimination, environment protection, education, and donation. We are glad to see that Lenovo leads the CSR practice by integrating junior self-employment and public welfare instead of the traditional earning-donating model. Examples are Dream Realization Project, Beneficial Group Project, etc. involving vulnerable group issue. We consider them a most effective way to spread the concept and hope for a chance to take part, which is also Lenovo’s intention.
What’s more, the competition is memorable. Every team firmly cooperated and got fully prepared. Every speech shines our wisdom and burns our passion. Only if we raise the awareness to take responsibility can the country make a progress, because we are the future of our nation. From this competition, we also learned something tips about potential competition: Firstly, caring about the details, such as the PPT design. If it is elaborate and well organized,it leaves a good start and impression. Secondly, understanding the task requirement. It is a must to keep compliance with it, or you’ll lose in the end. Thirdly, managing the time. There is a chance that we are given enough time in the university, but that is not always the case when we are at work. Every minute counts. So the point is, to express your idea concisely and effectively by avoiding nonsense, developing a focus and controlling the time. Fourthly, cooperating with the team members.
In short, we benefited a lot from the visit to Lenovo today. We felt really happy about it.

By NiXue (Writer), TianHong, ChiYufei, Youshiyi

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