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Thoughts on issues about Agriculture, Countryside and Farmers(afternoon, July 18)

Date:2011-8-24 10:23:30

Since the ancient time, agriculture has been well developed in our country. Industrialization has not yet comprehensively started until the foundation of People’s Republic of China. Right now China is still in transition from an agricultural country to an industrial one. Since the reform and open up policy, and with the further development of industrialization, the three problems about agriculture, countryside and farmers have raised attention all over the world and from the whole society. However as a matter of fact, the community has many misunderstandings about the three problems. We were lucky enough to join in a life discussion together with Mr. Keyu Guan today. We had more correct and deeper understandings of the three problems about countryside, agriculture and farmers through this activity.

At present, the government is playing an important role in the process of solving three problems about countryside, agriculture and farmers. However, local governments’ misunderstandings of the three problems and unperfected policy on that basis posed two biases on the actual settlement on three problems: to equal promoting urbanization and building “new village” to the construction of new countryside.

Promoting urbanization. Urbanization is the process of the relative population concentration of towns and cities in a country or region, and its main features are the expansion of urban land, enlargement of city scale and the increased number of urban population. Urbanization is simply the natural reflection of industrialization. That is to say that urbanization naturally develops on the foundation of industrialization. Reviewing the history of Europe and the United States, the development of urbanization is always after industrialization. The rural came into town and started working in factories after the development of productive forces and the building of many factories. Together with workers’ needs of housing and the others, grew the scale of town.

Chinese local governors simple regard urbanization as the expansion of urban land, constantly taking up suburban land, in order to expand the area of the city. Additionally, it is against the law of social development to solve the three problems by means of urbanizing without an industrial basis. The essence of this error is narrowing outer limit to solve inner problems. To put it simple, it is trying to solve the three problems by expanding city area and relatively narrowing the country scope. It is rarely known that the famers could not easily adapt to the work and living environment in cities after losing their farmland, falling to the marginalized position and becoming the under-privileged citizens.

The construction of the “new village” does not equal to the construction of new countryside. There are five key points in the construction of new countryside: 1、economics, 2、politics, 3、society, 4、culture, 5、environment. We can see from the five key points that material and spiritual needs are equally considered, economy and culture are developing at the same pace in the process of the new countryside construction. However in fact that local governors’ misunderstandings on the three problems has made the new countryside construction equivalent to the construction of the “new village” in South Korea, namely trying to build a new countryside by means of changing the rural physical appearance. The essence of the mistake is putting more emphasize on the material civilization construction than the spiritual civilization construction. Although the houses in the rural area become prettier, and the roads become wider, it is still not the real new countryside construction.

Based on the understandings above, we also have some personal opinions about how to solve the three issues about countryside, agriculture and farmers.
1、 The economic development. A great deal of money is needed to resolve the problems, but our country is still a developing country with an economy not so well developed as compared with the developed countries. Government expenditure is far from enough to meet the needs for the construction of new countryside. It can be concluded that though the main task of our country at the primary stage of socialism is economic development, currently we should not only focusing on GDP, satisfaction level is of equal importance, as of Mr. Guan “in for happiness rather than GDP”.

2、 The policy guidance. Although the government has introduced a lot of policy, we are still lagging behind as compared with other countries’ in the same period. Besides, issuing a policy cannot effectively solve the social problems on time because of the time lag. The only way would be to gradually find the essence of the problem through the trial and error, and through the interaction between each policy.

3、 Cultural education. First of all, rural productivity per capita is lower than that in the city, which mainly results from a lack of inner drive. That is to say that rural workforce generates lower value. Basing on this point, we must launch a cultural educational campaign for the rural population. From the point of sociology and economics, the productivity of a person can be increased by better education. As a whole, getting access to higher education can help improve the inner drive of the rural productivity. Only in this way can the problem of low productivity in the rural area be solved. What’s more, with the development of society, the urbanization of our country surely would be further progressing (i.e. normal urbanization). There will be more rural population pouring into the city, and also more civilized workers form the rural equipped with survival living skills in the city. Improving educational levels of the rural population would benefit the development of our country a lot more in the long run. Secondly, due to the rapid development in the past 30 years, cultural construction is lagging far behind the economic construction, leading to claps of the original moral standards. At the same time, new common values have not been formed. Thus conflicts between all kinds of interest groups are slowing down the pace of solving the problems. However, education is usually the best path to cultural values.

4、 Social security. Recently, there are place in China that imposed the policy of “lands transform social security”. However, the low-level social security along with the lack of survival skills among the rural population lead to the emerging of new under-privileged citizens, which would lead to the overall downgrade of people's living standard in our country. At the same time, it will cause many unstable factors in our society. Under advantage of the first equitable distribution, we should pay more empathize on the social justice through redistribution. When solving the problems of the three problems, our government should improve the level of social security. Besides, the stability of our society is favorable to the development of our society. The requirements are much more than simply ensuring food safety and the housing of the people. Nowadays, the government should satisfy its citizen rather than just making them “not unsatisfied”.

Above all, the lecture provided us a good platform to know, recognize and care about the issues about agriculture, countryside and farmers. In less than two hours’ time, both the teacher’s explanations and the campers’ discussions have benefited us a lot. In fact, caring and solving the three problems are not far from our life. College students as main body of our society should do more in our daily lives to solve these problems. I am sure that by doing this the three problems about countryside, agriculture and farmers would no longer be problems but accomplishments in the near future.

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