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Review on the lecture of Ruder Public Relations Company. (July, 21, morning)

Date:2011-8-24 10:24:05

The lecture of Ruder Public Relations Company mainly talked about what public relations companies do and what is the relationship between public relations companies and CSR.
The speech of the chief executive from Ruder Company was divided into four parts: the role of public relations, what is CSR, the role of CSR, and Ruder Company’s efforts on CSR. Below are the inspirations of the lecture.

1. CSR is not what we see and do, but rather a systematic theory of its own structure and guidance. The results of CSR practice would be more favorable if the already matured theories are referred to.

2. CSR engages in every aspect of the business and society. The economic or social benefits brought about would be permanent and tremendous.

3. There different levels of CSR. For companies, the first step of CSR is to provide good products. The second or higher level of CSR would be to implement CSR into company culture and other aspects.

4. CSR in China is still immature by far. Yet we can find lots of enterprises, universities and individuals making efforts in this regard. Some of them have been doing this for quite a long time, and have achieved remarkable success.

5. Under the current circumstances, the youth should on one hand continue to promote humane sprites; and on the other insist learning, innovating and breaking through, making CSR a common faith of the whole society.

Co-author: Gu Jia-jia, Zhang Pei-pei, He Qi-lin, Yang Zhi-bo

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