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The Visit to Jianghe Water Development Center (on the afternoon of July 21st)

Date:2011-8-24 10:25:52

In the afternoon of July 21st, the students joining the summer camp arrived in Tongzhou district, Beijing after a 1-hour long drive. We saw an antique building located on the island surrounded by a winding stream. Walking through the tranquil Moon River Park, we finally got there——Jianghe Water Development Center.
Jianghe Water Development Center is an institution established by Chinese Ministry of Water Resources in 1992 with consultation service as its main business. Based on rich technological and human resource, the Center actively extends national consultation business specialized in water & hydropower sector. It is devoted to serve the project managers, construction companies and governmental bodies. The above is what we’ve known about the Center before this visit.
At the very moment when getting off the bus, we were immediately attracted by the scenery: everywhere was painted green——the grass crawls along the river, in the middle of the lake, at the side of the road, and on the hill. Manager Cui told us, it was the humble grass that made a difference. Following two executives, we saw the “eco bags” for the first time. Eco bag is an innovative product that contributed a lot to protecting the embankment, as manager Cui said. The specific approach is to put fertilizer and seed proportionally into the bags according to the soil type, and then lay them down to different levels on the embankment. This method helps not only cut the cost but also protect the environment and keep it balanced.
Making one step further, we learnt that Jianghe Water Development Center put forward many viable solutions towards water resource management, based on its principles of being environmentally friendly and healthy. Take “stone round river” strategy for Hai River for example. It costs low and protects the environment. As far as this issue, I have a deep understanding, for I grew up along the Ganjiang River. It is the chief tributary of Changjiang River, and among the first batch of national water conservancy projects, so it enjoys a long time of development. For some reason, whether technological or personal factor, the embankment of Ganjiang River uses traditional reinforced concrete structures. In terms of flood prevention, it can guarantee the facilities to work. However, there remain some drawbacks considering the current development of water conservancy. First of all, it costs a lot to renovate the embankment regularly for the continuing erosion by the water. Besides, the reinforced concrete structures cut off the water and soil thoroughly, which leaves no room for circulation. Hence the aquatic creatures get no access to food or nutrition, and the biological chain is destroyed. What’s more, it results in serious soil erosion problem. By the introduction and comparison, we looked deeper into the “stone round river” approach, and realized that it marks the trend of sustainable development.
Walking along the lake, we discussed about the various aquatic plant while listening to the two executives’ introduction. We felt so pleased to place ourselves in such an international metropolis in Beijing. This is going to be the path of development: improve the environment and embrace the nature. We hope our world will be full of green.
Though the visit came to an end, the green is rooted in our hearts…

By Group Three
July 21st, 2011

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