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"Human Values & Virtues" Membership Event of CIBE concluded with Applauses from Inspired Participant

Date:2011-9-1 10:38:30

[24th August 2011, Beijing] In such a beautiful season of midsummer, the Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE) at the University of International Business & Economics, joined hands with Mr. Andrew So, Secretary General of the Association of International Business Ethics (Hong Kong), and Ms. Teresa Tao from Matteo Ricci Social Service Society (Macau), to present our members and considerate friends with a grand banquet of reflections on “Human Values & Virtues”.

 The problem in society concerning growing dishonesty and  greed is causing much concern.  Are they a result of the deterioration of human values? And how important are basic human values such as honesty, integrity, trust, respect and responsibility? To facilitate the individual reflections on and enterprising the human values and virtues, Andrew So and Teresa Tao guided over 50 participants through a psychological path of exploration and discovery. With fresh and multiple forms of lectures on values, interactive games and reflections, the members were encouraged to reach into the depths of their souls in searching for the imbedded values, the virtue path taken by each individual, the population and society, and finally the destiny of our values and as a beacon for the road ahead.

 At the beginning of the event, Andrew So and Teresa Tao briefly explained the concept of “Value Education” and its development around the world, and shared with the audience the “Value Education – Beijing Experience”. Where-after, with the guidance of our two experts, participating members were divided into 5 teams to join the interactive games of “Who’s in the Mirror”, “Silent Jigsaw Puzzle”, “Nobody but Yourself” and “Reflections on Dizigui”. From familiarizing the rules, team cooperating, to surprises about and reflections on the process and outcome, participants have been excited about the values and virtues presented through these simple but significant games, their essentiality and the bewilderment brought by their efficiency. At the end, Andrew So and Teresa Tao encouraged each participant to list the values and virtues which were essential to each individual and the society as a whole. The list occupying the whole board presented the inspirational expectations and motivations for each of our participating member.

 The event succeeded with the melodious Bandari and peaceful reflection. We sincerely wish this membership event has brought further deliberation to our members and friends around us for encouragement and inspiration ahead.

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