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“Rule of Law and International Business Ethics” Seventh Annual Conference

Date:2011-10-17 14:26:26

Rule of Law and International Business Ethics”

Seventh Annual International Business Ethics Conference

October 21– 22, 2011

University of International Business & Economics, Beijing, China P.R.C



The Center for International Business Ethics, University of International Business & Economics, China

Law School, University of International Business & Economics, China



China Credit Research Center (CCRC), Peking University (PKU), China

Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong

Caux Round Table (CRT)

Center for Ethical Studies (CES), Renmin University of China (RUC), China (Pending)

Stillman School of Business, Seton-Hall University, U.S.A

Strategy Center for China’s Open Economy and International Technology Cooperation (SCOT), University of International Business & Economics, China

Peking University Press (PUP), China



Recognizing China as the major driving force of the world economy, the Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE), in cooperation with the China Credit Research Center (CCRC), will host its annual international conference – “Rule of Law and International Business Ethics.” The mission of the 2011 conference is to foster awareness of the paramount importance of the development of a sense of law with a focus on labor law protecting the worker rights and environmental protection while striving to explore and critically evaluate the progress achieved in different areas of International Business Ethics and Legal Ethics especially in the Asian and Chinese context.


This conference shall provide an open platform and bring together renowned scholars and business leaders from around the world. It also encourages the participation of young researchers and managers worldwide who are committed to the development of international business ethics and legal ethics in China.


Oct. 21st              University of International Business & Economics


9:00-9:30             Opening Ceremony                         (Ningyuan 221)

Host: Prof. Dr. Liu Bao-cheng

Director, Center for International Business Ethics, University of International Business & Economics


l        Principle

l        Prof. Dr. Wang Jun, Ph.D Supervisor, Dean, School of Law, University of International Business & Economics

l        Prof. Dr. Richard Wu, Faculty of Law at the University of Hong Kong; Visiting Scholar of Peking University Law School; Editorial Advisory Board Member of the Legal Ethics


9:30-9:50             Group Photo


9:50-12:30          Keynote Address                           (Ningyuan 221)


9:50-11:00           Chair: Prof. Dr. Kirk Hanson

Executive Director, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University


                            Keynote Address: Legal & Ethical Bases of Constitution

                            Prof. Dr. Wang Ren-bo

Professor, Ph.D Supervisor, China University of Political Science & Law; Chief Editor of “Tribune of Political Science and Law”


Keynote Address: When Justice and Love embrace each Other – How Globethics.net tries to Contribute to it as an Embracing Global Network

Dr. Christoph Stueckelberger

Executive Director and Founder Globethics.net


11:00-11:15         Coffee Break


11:15-11:50         Keynote Address: My Ombudsman Experience

                            Mr. Andrew So

Secretary General, Association of International Business Ethics, Hong Kong


11:50-12:30         Discussion


12:30-14:00         Lunch (Jiang Nan Chun)


14:00-16:30        Breakout Session


Session 1             Ethical Underpinning of the Law             (Ningyuan 729)

                            Facilitator: Prof. Dr. Ye Chen-gang

Professor, Ph.D Supervisor, School of International Business, University of International Business & Economics


l        “The construction of a Modern Judiciary and Basic Human Values”

Prof. Dr. Stephan Rothlin, Secretary General, Center for International Business Ethics, University of International Business & Economics

l        “The Ethical Implication of Human Rights Principles – Analysis of the Ethics of Human Rights”

Prof. Dr. Zhou Guo-wen, School of Liberal Arts, Beijing Forestry University

l        Rule of Law and Anti-corruption

Prof. Dr. Yang Heng-da, Renmin University of China, Senior Academic Advisor, Center for International Business Ethics, University of International Business & Economics

l        “Follow the Natural Law: from Economic Leader to Business Ethical Leader”

Ms. Xu Ping, Education Policy and Reform (EPR) Unit, UNESCO Bangkok

l        “Judaic Ethics and Legal Principles in the Book of Ruth

Prof. Dr. Chen Dong-feng, Beijing Jiaotong University


Session 2             Corporate Governance, Compliance & CSR    (Ningyuan 221)

                            Facilitator: Mr. Allen Zhang

Director, Sustainability & Climate Change, PricewaterhouseCoopers Consultants (Shenzhen) Limited, Beijing Branch


l        “Adjustment and Response of Corporate Governance within the Low-carbon Development Concept”

Prof. Dr. Liu Gang-fang, School of Law, University of International Business & Economics

Mr. Li Wan-bao, Sichuan Yuanxu Law Firm Beijing Branch

l        “Legitimacy and Characteristics of Corporate Social Responsibilty”

Prof. Dr. Fu Jun, School of Law, University of International Business & Economics

l        “Fraudulent Conduct in e-Commerce and Consumer Rights Protection”

Prof. Dr. Su Hao-peng, Department Director, Department of Civil and Commercial Law, School of Law, University of International Business & Economics


16:30-16:45         Summary Remarks of Session 1              (Ningyuan 221)

                            Prof. Dr. Ye Chen-gang

Professor, Ph.D Supervisor, School of International Business, University of International Business & Economics


16:45-17:00         Summary Remarks of Session 2              (Ningyuan 221)

                            Mr. Allen Zhang

Director, Sustainability & Climate Change, PricewaterhouseCoopers Consultants (Shenzhen) Limited, Beijing Branch


17:00-17:20         Summary Remarks

                            Prof. Dr. Kirk Hanson

Executive Director, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University


17:20-20:00         Dinner (Jiang Nan Chun)


Oct. 22nd             University of International Business & Economics

9:00-12:20          Keynote Address                           (Ningyuan 221)


9:00-10:00           Chair: Prof. Dr. Liu Bao-cheng

Director, Center for International Business Ethics, University of International Business & Economics


Keynote Address: Depiction of Lawyers and Lawyers' Ethics in Hong Kong Films and Television Drama

Prof. Dr. Richard Wu

Faculty of Law at the University of Hong Kong; Visiting Scholar of Peking University Law School; Editorial Advisory Board Member of the Legal Ethics


Keynote Address: Wall Street Abuse and Regulatory Complicity--The Moral Hazard of U.S. Debt

Mr. Thomas A. Myers

Founder, President and Chairman of T.A. Myers & Co.


10:00-10:30         Discussion


10:30-10:50         Coffee Break


10:50-11:50         Chair: Prof. Dr. Bao Lu

Professor, School of Law, University of International Business & Economics; member of the expert group, Research Center at China Policy Research Society; Executive Director, Research Society of European Laws, CAES; member of Beijing Society for Jurimetrics


Keynote Address: Argument between Law & Ethics from Stasis-theory

Prof. Dr. Shu Guo-ying

Professor, Ph.D Supervisor, China University of Political Science & Law; Deputy Director of Beijing Law Society; Executive Director of China Research Society of Legal Principle


Keynote Address: Beyond Compliance Programs: Globalization Demands More Effective Programs to Meet Public Expectations of Business

                            Prof. Dr. Kirk Hanson

Executive Director, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University


11:50-12:30         Discussion


12:30-14:00         Lunch (Jiang Nan Chun)


14:00-16:30        Breakout Session

Session 1             Economic, Legal & Moral Reform            (Ningyuan 221)

                            Facilitator: Prof. Dr. Stephan Rothlin

Secretary General, Center for International Business Ethics, University of International Business & Economics


l        “Ethical Dilemma of Legal Profession in China”

Prof. Dr. Hou Meng, School of Law, University of International Business & Economics

l        “Development for the People by the People”

Prof. Dr. Barbara Krug, Rotterdam School of Management, Rotterdam, Netherlands

l        “The Normative and Punitive Frameworks for Promoting Ethical Practices in China’s Public Contracting:  the Interplay of the “LI” and the ‘’FA””

Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Mitterhoff, Professor of Law, Director, Beijing Autumn Semester Program in Comparative Business Law; Founding Director, Research Center for Government Procurement and Public Construction, Central University of Finance & Economics

l        “Mechanism of Ethics in Legal Profession”

Prof. Dr. Ji Zong-ru, School of Law, University of International Business & Economics; Arbitrator at Beijing Arbitration Commission

l         “Influence of Judicial Referendary on the Uncertainty of Judicial Judgment”

Mr. Zang Zheng, Faculty of Philosophy, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

l        “Philosophical practice as a strategy for building a great company”

Ms. Minke van B. Tromp, Bureau for Applied Philosophy, Amsterdam, the Netherlands


Session 2             Protection of Consumer Rights               (Ningyuan 729)

                            Facilitator: Dr. Yang Bei

School of Law, University of International Business & Economics


l        “Legal Studies on Consumer Rights Protection in International Trade”

Prof. Dr. Liu Bao-cheng, Director, Center for International Business Ethics, University of International Business & Economics

l        “Food Safety: Moral Test for Entrepreneurs – Case of Shuanghui”

Prof. Dr. Huang Shao-ying, School of Business Administration, Shandong University of Finance and Economics

l        “Driving Forces for Promoting Ethical Development of the Enterprise”

Prof. Dr. Zhu Jin-rui, Hunan University of Economics and Law


16:30-16:45         Summary Remarks of Session 1              (Ningyuan 221)

                            Prof. Dr. Stephan Rothlin

Secretary General, Center for International Business Ethics, University of International Business & Economics


16:45-17:00         Summary Remarks of Session 2              (Ningyuan 221)

                            Dr. Yang Bei

School of Law, University of International Business & Economics


17:00-17:20         Summary Remarks                         (Ningyuan 221)

Dr. Christoph Stueckelberger

Executive Director and Founder Globethics.net


17:20-17:40         Closing Remarks

                            Prof. Dr. Stephan Rothlin

Secretary General, Center for International Business Ethics, University of International Business & Economics



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