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Invitation for Contemplation Course on Novermber 12, 2011

Date:2011-11-8 11:08:50

Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you very much for applying for the Contemplation course which will take place this Saturday, November 12, 10.00 am until 5.00 pm at the Luxemburg Embassy in Beijing. The address is: 21 Ministry Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing. It can easily be reached by Subway Line 5; Exit C at Deng Shi Kou Station.

Please take along your own sandwich and beverage for our lunch break at noon time. I would also recommend to you wear comfortable and casual clothing. Consider this as
a precious opportunity to relax and reach some kind of inner calm. Do not come if you are unable to participate from the beginning to the end.

You will also have the chance to enjoy the paintings and calligraphies from our artist friends from the Hebei province which are part of our art exhibition we organize in
cooperation with the Embassy of Luxemburg in order to support our social action programs for poor students and autistic children. There are no course fees; but you are welcome to make a donation for our social action programs.

If there are any further questions do not hesitate to get back to me: 6497 3946.

Looking forward to meet you soon!

Prof. Dr. Stephan Rothlin
Secretary General
Center for International Business Ethics
University of International Business & Economics

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