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The Good Life for the Artists in the Countryside----The Art Exhibition at the Luxembourg Embassy

Date:2011-11-14 15:22:59

[November 1st, Beijing]The Center for International Business Ethics(CIBE) at the University of International Business & Economics,with the Luxembourg Embassy in Beijing and the Municipal Government of Nan-pi County in Hebei Province,co-organized a series of activities, entitled “Xiang Tao Art Exhibition and the Luxembourg Embassy Art Exhibition” for the artists fromNan-pi County. The purpose of this series was to enhance the cultural exchange between China and Luxembourg, promotethe artistic development in Nan-pi County, demonstrate the living conditions of rural artists and support local education. This exciting event elegantly drew its curtains on November 1, 2011.

There are no boundaries in the world of beauty, nor are there boundaries between the people who enjoy it. To quoteMencius, an eminentphilosopher in the Warring States period, “The mouths share the same taste; the ears share the same sound; the eyes share the same beauty”.This exhibition presented the valueMenciusheld towards the arts. This enhanced extensive communication and advocated the philosophy of kindness, justice, wisdom and courtesy.

This art exhibition invited many artists and art amateurs from Nan-pi County in Hebei Province, which enjoys the title of “The paradise for folk art”.They brought us many masterpieces, including wash painting, poured painting, calligraphy and so forth. This exhibit illustrated their loveand longingfor a serenecountry life, as well astheir unique understanding of beauty.In order to give a unique flavor, the exhibition was held at the LuxembourgAmbassador’s Residence. The location blended the traditional Chinese Hutong with the beautifulness of a green garden.

At the opening ceremony, the LuxembourgAmbassador,H.E.Carlo Krieger, delivered a passionate speech in which heexpressed his hope that the exhibition could serve as a platform forcommunication and exchangeforthe artists. He also expressed a wish forthe success of the exhibition. Subsequently, Prof. Liu Baocheng, the director of CIBE, Prof.Stephan Rothlin, the secretary general ofCIBE, Mr. Shi Xigui, the director of the People's Congress in CangzhouMunicipality, Mr. XueZelin, the Party Secretary in the Cangzhou Municipality, Mr. LanFengyu,Director of the People's Congress on oversea Chinese sector in CangzhouMunicipality and the Mr. Zhang Jinjiang, theLocal Mayor of the Nan-pi county, all expressed their compliments and good wishes towards this exhibition.

The pieces in this exhibition are from 26rural artists in Nan-pi County.These artists are quite diverse, withan eighty year old man, nursing women, government officials, entrepreneurs, and professional artists studying in Beijing. The artists demonstrated their pursuits and longing towards beauty with different approaches. We could say that it was an episode of the plain life of the artist, who brought the serenity and calm into our increasingly hectic and noisy world.

There were four works bought openingnight, namely, the Chinese traditional painting from Ye Yiping, an art teacher atNo.1 Middle school of Nan-pi County; the calabash pyrography from Li Zengfang, the director of the office in No.1 Middle school of Nan-pi County; painting, Fishing alone in the chilling river, from Sun Shifeng, an art teacher in the RothlinPrimary Schooland the calligraphy, Going Back, from Pang Zhiguang, Vice Chairman of Calligrapher Association in Cang Country in Hebei Province.

The series activities will last until December 6th, and all benefitscollected will be used to support the education in Nan-pi County. In the following days, the organizers will hold several visits and onepiano concert (For details please see the event calendar on the CIBE website, November 17th, ). CIBE, with the Embassy of Luxembourg in Beijing and the Municipal Government of Nan-pi County in Hebei Province, aim to create a feast of beauty for the numerous art lovers.

Brief introduction to CIBE
The Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE) at the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) was founded on December 8, 2004 in Beijing. As an international non-profit research organization CIBE is striving to integrate ethical values into public policies and businesses strategies by facilitating dialogue between scholars, businesspeople and government officials through conferences, seminars, publications and training programs.

CIBE provides educational programs in business ethics and social responsibility for vulnerable communities and under-developed areas, especially for marginalized communities.We have helped to establish the Reindeer Autism Fund under China Charity Foundation, helped to improve the teaching methods and infrastructures of No.1 Middle School of Nan-pi County and Rothlin Primary School, which have achieved substantial and positive social influence.


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