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Awards announcement of the Summer Camp of the College Students' Social Responsibility Association

Date:2012-2-10 10:17:13

From July, 7th, 2011 to July, 29th, 2011, 34 college students, who came from 17 universities around the whole nation, participated in the Second Summer Camp of Social Responsibility for college students, which was organized by the Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE) and held by the College students' social responsibility association. During that period, the students listened to the penetrating speeches on the social responsibility delivered by the representatives from JuFeng source investment consultation, Bentley, Ruder Finn, Climate Change Capital International and Siemens. Meanwhile, they took visits to several big corporations, such as Lenovo Group, Macro Link and Total, as well as the offices of the National Political Consultative Conference, global compact and Luxembourg embassy. Through listening to speeches and conducting field surveys, they had built up a deeper understanding of the CSR and resolved to be one of the young, who observe the society and lead the future, and the advocate of CSR.

Half a year later, the College students' social responsibility association was granted as one of the 20 outstanding associations in the summer practice selected out of over 500 candidates in the Commendation congress of the summer practice, held by the University of the International Business and Economics (UIBE).

Summer camp of social responsibility for college students is initiated by the Center of the International Business Ethics(CIBE) with the goal of strengthening the college students' understanding towards social responsibility, the communication of the students across the universities and preparing the students for the future career and business ethics. The major cooperative enterprises include big corporations, bank, electronic companies and PR companies and several universities from the whole country.

Collegiate Social Responsibility Association in UIBE
 January, 2012 

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