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The Journey of Harmonious Energy Ambassador in the universities

Date:2012-2-10 10:18:36

The campus promotion in UIBE undertook by the Collegiate Social Responsibility Association at CIBE is come to a conclusion. Three students named Zhu Jinyi, Qian Fangyi and Yu Kuntian from UIBE were selected as one team of this program. The following activities are underway.

Main duties of the energy Ambassador

Ø  As volunteer during the tour activities

Ø  During the exhibition in Beijing station, as the site volunteers, visit guide, explain for the visitors about the exhibition content and provide other related support

Ø  As the volunteers, should collect the questions from the visitors, take pictures about the activities, collect and sorting the data about the visiting activities, upload to activity home page

Ø  Participate in "energy ambassador" debate

Ø  Each group of volunteers should prepare a paper according to the energy topics provided by the organizer

Ø  Participate the closing ceremony of the tour and the "energy ambassador" debate in Beijing


Ø  The first prize: one student participate Total Group's annual summer camp (for a week; in France)

Ø  The second prize: the first three team-total scholarships

Ø  The third prize: the rest of the team-total research funds

Ø  All the prize are awarded with the team as the unit except the first prize


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