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Specialized Training for “Heng Shui” branch of China Construction Bank

Date:2012-3-4 20:48:26

To enhance professional qualities, create a team with core competitiveness and promote the whole bank’s professional level of service to high-end customers, the Center of International Business Ethics (CIBE) has begun to give the “Heng Shui” branch of China Construction Bank specialized training, which lasts around three months starting February, 2012. 

This training is focused on the core construction of the organization, Chinese traditional value and wisdom of classics, optimization design and re-engineering, marketing management, organizational behavior and managerial communication, business communication and negotiation, and responsible leadership and career development. The classes are aimed at helping the “Heng Shui” branch to set up a platform through which to combine theory with practice, and update their theory of skill and service construction.  Further, to acquire these abilities in company management, marketing, public service, business communication, and personal development based on current trends of globalization; to assist the company in building the standards of business ethics; to promote the concept and methods of corporate social responsibility (CSR); to accelerate the sustainable development of “Heng Shui” branch with the core values of “honesty, justness, stability, and creativity”. 

CIBE will follow the training closely and get further evaluation from trainees to ensure the effectiveness of the training.


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