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CIBE Membership Invitation, March 30th

Date:2012-3-16 16:49:57

Distinguished CIBE Member,

At the beginning of the new year, the Center for International Business Ethics will hold its first 2012 membership event on:Luxury Goods and Business Ethicsat Room 439, Ning Yuan Building of the University of International Business & Economics, from 19:00 to 21:00, on 30thMarch 2012. We hereby warmly invite you to join us in this special CIBE membership event, which marks our thankfulness for your support over the years.

Luxury goods have been the hot topic for general consumers for a long time but the recent data from the World Luxury Association (Jan. 2012) shows that Chinese market contributes to 28% of the global luxury consumption and occupies the first place above all other nations. The recent news of Chinese consumers sweeping goods in Las Vegas and England have challenged the public perception on the China’s richest inhabitants. We are very honored that Ms. Shangguan Ruye, the CCTV 1 show host and expert in this matter, will share with us her years of experiences and understandings of luxury consumption, brand connotation and traditional morale on consumption. Ms. Shangguan Ruye has a MA from Sichuan University in Comparative and World Literature. During the 5 years joining the CCTV Channel 2, she has had rich experience in reporting and researching in the field of industrial chain of luxuries, brand connotation and Chinese traditional culture on luxuries.


Should you be interested in participation, please respond to this email before 21th March 2012 (Wednesday);



       Kind regards,


Prof. Baocheng Liu     Prof. Stephan Rothlin

Director                      Secretary General



And should you have any question, please contact:SHI Quhai (Ms.)

Liaison Officer, Business Department

Center for International Business Ethics

TEL: 010-64976766 ,EMAIL: hilda.cibe@gmail.com

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