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CIBE Participated in Salon about Environmental Protection- Air & Water

Date:2012-3-21 17:11:52

On the afternoon ofMar. 9th2012, a representative from Center for International Business and Ethics (CIBE) was invited by CSR Action to attend a Salon discussing environmental protection on Air & Water. The conference featured Mr. Wang Jian, a famous researcher in environmental protection at Peking University, who was invited to share the topic of Causes of PM2.5 and Water Conservation.  Among other participants were managers of CSR departments of well known corporate, NGOs and environmentalists.

PM2.5 is referred to those particles less than or equal to 2.5 millimeter in diameter in the atmosphere, which is less than one twentieth of human’s hair.  PM2.5 is also known as Particulate Matterthat Could Be Inhaled. Prof. Wang explained various causes of PM2.5 with examples such as Vehicle Exhaust Emissions, Construction Site Dust. When coping with this phenomenon understanding the root is vital to finding a relevant solution.

Further, Prof. Wang introduced and examinedthe water shortage in Beijing. Some statistics clearly show the urgency of the issue: when PRC was established, Beijing’s water per capita each year was about 1000 m3. However, with the increase in urban population and expansion of city infrastructure, water per capita is now less than 100 m3; even in desert areas such as Jerusalem has above 300 m3 per capita. The groundwater level of Beijing has grown from 12 meters in 1999 to 24 meters in 2010 and has formed an area of subsidence about 2650 square meters. The event stressed that if we don’t begin to attach importance to the problem of over-exploration of groundwater, there could be great losses incurred.  The result could be a negative influence on climatic and ecological environment, namely in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities thathave encountered subsidence problems.

Prof. Wang pointed out that no matter what the air or water issue, the solutionrequires the whole society to contribute. The key is to balance overall and local solutions as well as long-term and short-term. Development of cities should be programmed according to natural resources, thus realizing harmonious and sustainable development of both human and nature.

The salon ended in an intense discussion between the representatives.

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