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Professor Liu Baocheng’s attendance of the Eco-Forum GlobalExperts Counseling meeting

Date:2012-3-21 17:12:43

On March 2nd, 2012, Professor Liu Baocheng was invited to attend “The 2012 Eco-Forum GlobalExperts Counseling meeting” at the Ministry of Education. This meeting, which was attended by around 20 representatives from the government, corporations, universities and NGOs, sought advice from those experts of the 2012 Eco-Forum GlobalGuiyang Conferenceand the UN Rio 20th anniversary summit.

As the founder of the Eco-Forum Global, Mr. Zhang Xinsheng, the former vice minister of the Ministry of Education, gave a brief introduction to the Eco-Forum GlobalGuiyang Conference. This annual conference has been held successfully three times,and is based primarily on China and it’s interactions on a global scale. Those conferences examined numerous issues, such as ecological civilization construction and green economy.  Conferences have been attended by 103 central and local governments, 21 well-known international organizations and 63 universities worldwide.It has become a high-end platform for interest groups from all parts of the society, and has built up a good reputation both in China and overseas.

Later, Mr. Zhang was advised on the topic of the 2012 Guiyang Conference and the format of Rio summit. As opposed to the Davos and Boao Forum, the experts said, theGuiyang conference should be rooted in “cities and corporations.” Thus, it should tap the potential of the private sector to make a difference in society. The conference concluded with a list of six methods through which to make this difference: institutional construction, precise targeting, elite participation, dedicated publicity and considerable service. In particular, Prof. Liu pointed out that the success of the conference would be determined by whether feedback could be sent to the policymaker, whether it can produce a real impact and whether the after-conferenceis tracked well.

In the end, the experts further discussed the concrete organization. The conference ended later with an elegant curtain call. 

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