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The First Workshop for the CollegiateStudents' Social Responsibility Association

Date:2012-3-22 14:51:48
The First Workshop for the CollegiateStudents' Social Responsibility Association
-------- “GuiZhentangCase- The Attitude Toward Responsibility”
On March 15, 2012, a speech entitled “GuiZhentang- The Attitude Toward Responsibility” was held in room 303, Ningyuan building of UIBE. The speaker was Mr. GuiPeiyuan, the general manager of SynTao and an expert in social responsibility.
Mr. Guo began with a discussion, asking students “How long have you known the concept of ‘social responsibility’?” Later, citing the cases of Nike, Carrefour and many others, he illustrated the urgency of the concept, and explained how it is developed and broadcasted. Then, he posed the question, if the nature of a company is to be responsible to the stockholder, why should there be social responsibility? Should the market admit ethics and how should it shoulder the correspondent responsibility?
In the case of “The Controversy of GuiZhentang”, a fierce debate ensued amongst audience members. Mr. Guo delivered his own opinion, stating that it is legal but not proper, and at least inconsistent with the ethics of most of society. The event provided the public with a negative impression, Mr. Guo continued, saying “Undoubtedly, [the event] will harm their future prospects”. Later, he shared with the audiencea video on the environmental implications of Apple production methods. The video revealed that the company operated at the expense of the health of the local population. However, under the pressure from both the public and officials, Apple changed its methods. This case substantiates the idea that the market values ethics, and acting with social responsibility can create revenue and lower risks. He concluded that in the “GuiZhentang” case, negative public opinion made both business partners and stockholders to lose confidence.
“The company should not only aim at maximizing the profits.Ironically,in order to persuadea company to take on social responsibility, associate responsibility with profits” Mr. Guo concluded. Through his speech, the audience examined the relationship between social image and social responsibility. Further, attendees analyzed how a company can more actively take on responsibility, and how to reconcile such responsibility with making profits. The speech ended with the warm applause.
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