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Date:2012-4-1 10:30:17

The Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE) of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), in Beijing, announces the appointment of a Director for the International Business Ethics Case Study Institute.

Dr. Stephan Rothlin, Secretary General of the CIBE, announced today that Prof. Dr. Dennis P. McCann has agreed to serve as Director of the CIBE’s newly created International Business Ethics Case Study Institute. The Institute will allow the CIBE to focus its efforts on the development and dissemination of business ethics case studies rooted in the experience of business in China and Asia.
Dr. McCann, Professor Emeritus of Agnes Scott College, Atlanta/Decatur, Georgia, USA, has taught business ethics in the USA for over 30 years, and has been involved in research, lecturing and teaching on business ethics in China and SE Asia for the past 15 years.  He has been particularly concerned to identify culturally appropriate teaching materials for China and Asia, based on his ongoing research in the fields of philosophy and religious studies.  Dr. McCann formerly was Director of Research and Development at the Hong Kong America Centre (HKAC) during his Fulbright year (2005-2006), and served as Visiting Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religion, Hong Kong Baptist University (2006-2008).  Dr. McCann served as Executive Director of the Society of Christian Ethics, the premier academic association for professors of religious ethics in the USA (1996-2001). The author of several books and dozens of scholarly articles (see the attached curriculum vitae for details), most recently he is the co-author, with Prof. Lee Kam-hon and Ms. Mary Ann Ching Yuen, of a book, Christ and the Business Culture, to be published this year by Chinese University Press in Hong Kong.  Over the past 15 yearsMcCann has taught courses, given workshops and lectured in universities in Hong Kong, China, Philippines, Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, and India.

We are also pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. McCann will come in early May in order to conduct a workshop on case study writing for the team of CIBE and to the students of our CSR association.

We welcome Dr. McCann to the CIBE staff, and wish him success with the Research Institute for Business Ethics Case Studies.

Dr. Stephan Rothlin
Professor of the University of International Business and Economics, UIBE, Beijing
Secretary General of the Center for International Business Ethics, CIBE 
Chief Editor of the Journal of International Business Ethics, JIBE
Huixin Xijie 18, Roman Garden B 306, Beijing 100029 P.R.C.
Tel.:  8610 6497 3946


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