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Group visits Nan-pi students

Date:2012-4-6 19:20:12

On March, 27th, 2012, Prof. Liu Baocheng, director of CIBE, Dr. Stephan Rothlin, the secretary of CIBE, Madam Anna Stackler, general manager of Crowne Plaza Sun Palace Beijing, Mrs. Chen Yunli, representative of BOSHI China Charity Center, Mrs. Zheng Mei, the principal of the Beijing Nuoran Deli Trade Co., LTD, Mr. Sun Yanxiang, the chairman of the Board of MaXiNa Industrial Group Co., LTD and many other guests visited Nan-pi No.1 Middle School and Rothlin Primary School. The guests brought with them donations from Lenovo Group.

At noon, the visitors were invited to meet local government leaders to discuss development issues within the schools. The discussions culminated in the agreement to co-establish a local culture vending website run by CIBE and Nan-pi Education Development Association. All profits would be put towards stimulating the development of education in Nan-pi.

That afternoon, an award ceremony was held for the winners of the "water resource protection" essay competition held by the Beijing Nuoran Deli Trade Co., LTD. County leaders were invited to distribute awards to the winners. Later, Prof. Liu held a discussion with the winners, during which he distributed donations such as books, newspaper, clothes, from Lenovo Group and other benefactors. Then Prof. Liu and Dr. Rothlin met with students in the Training Center for National Entrance Examination. At the meeting, Prof. Liu expressed his hope that every student will work hard to make a better world and share the love they have received with others. Next, the group took a trip to visit the new campus

As the visitors arrived at Rothlin Primary School, they gave out more donations from Lenovo Group. The school principal took the guests on a campus tour, visiting the library and multimedia classrooms.  Additionally, they visited several classes, including computer and dancing classes. Prof. Liu and Dr. Rothlin held a meeting with an influential contributor to the first English Summer Camp, Mrs. Anna Stackler, and the students who attended the camp.

The visit to Nan-pi expanded the corporation’s understanding of educational deficiencies in some disadvantaged parts of China. All the while, the visit gave students confidence in the possibility for a better life.

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