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Prof. Liu Baocheng Speech at Daimler’s Integrity Dialogue

Date:2012-5-17 11:22:42

On the afternoon of May 11th, 2012, Prof. Liu Baocheng attended and gave a speech at the Integrity Dialogue organized by Daimler North East Asia Ltd. At this Dialogue with Prof. Liu and others there was a deep discussion into the issue of integrity with over 240 representatives from Daimler.

After the address of Mr. Ulrich Walker, the President & CEO of Daimler Corporation, Prof. Liu gave a speech beginning with the introduction to the iceberg model of behaviors and values. He demonstrated how the Chinese traditional culture of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism has molded the values and behavior styles of Chinese people, while the urbanization and globalization is causing cultural and behavioral conflict in the life of Chinese people, therefore an agreed criterion such as integrity is needed to regularize people’s behavior. Since the opening and reforming of China, the economy has transformed from planned economy to market economy,  and now that the era of knowledge information is here, the leaders in business are required to be more far-sighted and responsible to lead the enterprise into sustainable development. Daimler Corporation makes a good start-off by encouraging its employees to attend the Integrity Dialogue.

Followed was the group discussion and interaction between the employees and guests. The conference came to a successful close in the open atmosphere.

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