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Value Found Tour 2011—Research Report of Chinese Enterprises Sustainable Development

Date:2012-6-6 14:12:38
CIBE attends press conference: “Value Found Tour 2011—Research Report of Chinese Enterprises Sustainable Development”
On May 25th, 2012, representatives of CIBE attended a press conference titled, “Value Found Tour 2011—Research Report of Chinese Enterprises Sustainable Development.” The report is the accumulation of five years of consecutive research on domestic CSR reporting conducted by Syntao, a CSR consulting agency. The report shows the number of CSR reports increased rapidly throughout 2011, but most of them lack quantitative information and the standard disclosure form. Without these two factors CSR reports cannot be adequately compared. The research was sponsored by Oxfam and supported by Propaganda and Educational Center of Ministry of Environmental Protection.
Jia Feng, director of the Propaganda and Educational Center and Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ma Jun, director of the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE), Gao Yimin, General Manager of China Area of BSI, and Guo Yi, associate professor of Beijing Technology and Business University, attended the press conference and made comments on the report. In attendance were also representatives from over 20 media outlets and over 40 enterprises and NGOs.
To download the full text of the report, please log in the official website of Syntal:http://www.syntao.com/PageDetail.asp?Page_ID=15215
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