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Winners List of the Fifth CSR Essay Competition

Date:2012-6-6 14:35:16

During the Fifth CSR Essay Competition, 1614 teams of contestants from more than 70 universities applied, and 96 essays passed the preliminary examination. After layers of strict selection, the winners list was finally determined. In line with the principle of fair and open, the essays were blind reviewed by judge group of the competition committee, and discussed before determined by expert appraisal group conference. The final results are as follows:

Title of the Essays
Enterprise donation: charity or exchange? Based on the annual loss in China of the listed company of analysis
Li Sihai& Lu Qirui
Ji'nan University/Management, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law/Accounting
1st Prize
Consumer purchase decisions based on the Angle of view of social responsibility of the enterprise research
Yan Jiaju
University of International Business and Economics/Marketing
2nd Prize
Better realize the public administrative ethical responsibility
Zhang Lili
Tianjin Foreign Studies University/Public Administration
2nd Prize
To strengthen the enterprise environmental responsibility consciousness and rural industrial pollution prevention and control
Zhang Hongzhan
Huazhong Agricultural University/ Economic Law
The best of the original research award
Award for best English
Demonstration of the social responsibility of the enterprise from the point of view of the supply chain management
Deng Yunyu
University of International Business and Economics/ Culture Industry Management
3rd Prize
The origin, border and out-border of the enterprise---analysis on Chinese social responsibilities
Li Gaoyang& Zhou Xinming
Zhejiang University/Philosophy, Peking University/Economics
3rd Prize
Discussion of the new charity CSR model based on micro-loan model
Liu Jing& Huang Hongyin
Tongji University/ Finance, Management Science and Engineering
3rd Prize
Indispensable the blue alarm—Discussion of CSR on the Marine environment protection
Chen Xi& Li Meiyu
University of International Trade and Economics/Economics
Single winning prize
Let the moral illumines experimental animals by the CSR --- thinking on lack of animal welfare legislation
Tao Tao
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics/Master of Law
Single winning prize
The media ethics and responsibility of the media
Ouyang Qiuyan
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications/Law
Single winning prize
Economical environment protection--- indispensable CSR
Han Zhenjuan
Shandong Normal University/World History
Single winning prize
Viewing ethics listed restriction mechanism from the disturbance of Guizhentang going public
Su Yezi
Hunan University
Single winning prize

The award ceremony will be arranged on 27th July 2012. Click to download the Paper

University of International Business and Economics
Center for International Business Ethics
June 5th,2012

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