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CIBE Attends a Large Volunteer Event, “Unity of knowledge and action makes volunteerism....

Date:2012-6-19 18:12:23

CIBE Attends a Large Volunteer Event, “Unity of knowledge and action makes volunteerism more beautiful”

On the afternoon of June 11, 2012 representatives from CIBE attended the volunteer event titled, “Unity of knowledge and action makes volunteerism more beautiful” co-organized by White-Collar Volunteer Association and “CSR Actions” Magazine.

To begin the event, Prof. Tao from Capital Normal University presented a lecture titled “Volunteerism and Self-development.” Then volunteer representatives from enterprises such as HP, IBM, Canon shared their stories. Leaders and representatives from Chaoyang District Community Work Committee,Street and Community shared their plans, actions and needs related to volunteer work. The event closed with a discussion of the current opportunities and challenges existing in enterprise volunteer services.

The volunteer event came to a successful close and built a cooperating stage among enterprises, communities and NGOs.

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