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CIBE Attends SCM Responsibility Meeting

On May 30, 2012, representatives from CIBE attended a meeting held by Corporate Citizenship Research Center of the 21st Century Press Group at the Hong Kong Jockey Club (Beijing). This event focused on Supply Chain Management (SCM) Responsibility. Experts from different fields were invited to discuss how to build a win-win enterprise system.

David Jones, Global Chief Executive Officer of HAVAS Worldwide & Euro RSCG, Jeremy Prepscius, Managing Director of Business for Social Responsibility in Asia, and You Changqiao, CEO of Key Point Media Group, made individual key-note speeches. They shared their experiences of managing social responsibility and discussed the success of CSR in the context of social media development. Wu Bofan, Director of Corporate Citizenship Research Center of the 21st Century Press Group, gave a perceptive account of the current social media phenomenon. Enterprise representatives from Nokia, EMC and Beijing Automotive Group attended the meeting as well and shared their contributions to corporate social responsibilities.
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