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Visit to Total—2012 Collegiate Social Responsibility Summer Camp Series of Activities

Date:2012-7-19 17:12:05
On the morning of July 17, 2012, under the leadership of Gao Huan, Office Director of the Center for International Business Ethics, participants of the 3rd Collegiate Social Responsibility Summer Camp arrived at the Beijing Sino-French Emergency Medicine Training Center, located in An Zhen Hospital, Chaoyang District.
Total Group, the French Embassy in China, and Beijing Municipal Health Bureau, funded the construction of the training center. It is the first emergency medical training center to launch simulated first-aid training in China.
Members of the summer camp began their visit at 9a.m. in An Zhen Hospital. The activity’s aim was to develop an understanding among the campers of the approaches and strategies in which Total Group fulfill its social responsibilities.
As one of the Global 500 companies, Total is a large-scale energy group with a focus on oil and gas exploration. While the corporation pursues profit maximization, it also pays attention to the fulfillment of social responsibilities in fields of education and medical care. On one hand, Total investments large sums in education and medical care, while on the other hand, the corporation pays more attention to the sustainability of projects when performing social responsibility. Total is highly concerned with social responsibility and has a comprehensive understanding of it. Ms. Guo Junjia, the Interpreter and Project Assistant of HR, Ethics & CSR Coordination Dept. in Total Group has told us that Total is working hard to become a responsible employer and corporate citizen. In the field of first-aid education, Total offers medical training in impoverished areas.
Furthermore, Dr. Zhang from Total emphasized that social responsibility does not mean poverty-relief, and poverty-relief is not the corporation’s objective. He also pointed out that the race against time is the most difficult challenge, because it can increase patients’ chances of survival. The campers were impressed and inspired by Dr. Zhang’s remarks, and developed a new understanding of the definition of social responsibility. The Total visit helped the students comprehend the many approaches for the fulfillment of social responsibilities.
Total provides our summer camp with great support through first-aid training. Dr. Elourimi from the Beijing Sino-French Emergency Medical Training Center introduced all the campers to the development history and current situation of the Training Center, as well as many transnational first-aid training activities. Whether it is simulation exercises or training forums, Total’s ultimate goal is to embed the concept of first-aid deeply in everyone’s mind, to save life as quickly as possible, and thus implement social responsibility.
For the final activity the campers visited the automatic electronic simulation laboratory and experienced the entire operation process of first-aid.
After the morning visit, campers said that Total is implementing what they believe is the most appropriate way to fulfill the company’s social responsibilities. Furthermore, as college students, they should be challenged to find the most suitable approaches to fulfill their social responsibilities.
Wrote by: the third team
Team leader: Jiaju Yan
Team members: Yufei Chi, Qinyuan Tian, Jingnan Wu, Tianwei Yin

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