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Value-based Life Planning Workshop----2012 Collegiate Corporate Social Responsibility Summer Camp...

Date:2012-7-26 19:41:27
Value-based Life Planning Workshop----2012 Collegiate Corporate Social Responsibility Summer Camp Series of Activities
On the morning of July 20, 2012, Ms. Julia Feng, senior trainer from Executive Learning Center, conducted a value-based life plan training session for 38 summer camp students. The workshop lasted three hours and was held in the Room 220 of the Ningyuan Building at the University of International Business and Economics.
At the beginning of the workshop, Julia distributed training manuals to each participant, guided them as they filled out relevant information, and led them to inspect the past, face the present and map out the future. Julia taught students to finish related tests in the manual, which compelled the students to seek a better understanding of their own situations. Meanwhile, Julia introduced theoretic knowledge related to self realization, such as how to set a target, how to carry out action plans, and how to utilize Iceberg Theory and Incentive Theory. Julia shared her personal life planning experiences. Campers shared their life plans in a warm and comfortable environment.
Campers believe the three-hour workshop will exert far-reaching influences on their future lives. One student said, “Before I participated in the workshop, I always imagined what the future would be, but I never thought seriously about what my past was like. Today’s training has struck my nerves and will urge me to respect my ideals earnestly, guiding me to make the most suitable life plan in the future.”
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