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The 2nd Capital English Summer Camp for Rothlin Primary School Ended Successfully in Beijing

Date:2012-7-31 15:51:50
On the afternoon of July 21, 2012, the closing ceremony of the 2nd Capital English Summer Camp for Rothlin Primary School was held in the meeting room of the Crowne Plaza Sun Palace Beijing. The guests presented as follows: Mr. Shen Guochuan, assistant executive manager of Crowne Plaza Sun Palace Beijing, and his colleagues; Mr. Cheng Xu, manager of Corporate Culture Department of Macrolink Group; Ms Wu Tong and her colleagues from Liyuexianxianshe (a non-profit organization whose mission is to share and protect traditional Chinese rite-musical culture); campers and their parents.
The Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE) hosted the 2nd Capital English summer camp for students from Rothlin Primary School, Nanpi County, Hebei Province. This summer camp aims to improve English language of students in the impoverished area, transform the exam-oriented English-teaching method, stimulate and cultivate students’ interests in learning English, and strengthen their self-learning and cooperative spirit. So far, a total of 35 teachers and students have been benefited from this summer camp. The second summer camp was from July 15-22, 2012, during which time the campers visited famous scenic spots such as Tiananmen Square, the Imperial Palace, the Summer Palace, the Bird Nest (Beijing Olympic National Stadium), and the Water Cube (Beijing Olympic National Swimming Center). Campers also climbed the Mutianyu Great Wall, visited Perking University, walked through the Science & Technology Museum, visited Lenovo Group, called on autistic children, learned western etiquette, and practiced English everyday. The 2nd Capital English Summer Camp activities have helped develop personal qualities of students from Rothlin Primary School, as well as improved their English application, enhanced their cooperative spirit, enriched their knowledge, and strengthened their friendships. We hope that they will share what they have learned with other students of Rothlin Primary School and those in the vast rural areas.
Ms. Gao Huan, Office Director of CIBE, conveyed remarks and expectations of Prof. Liu Baocheng, Director of CIBE, and Dr. Stephan Rothlin, Secretary General of CIBE. Then she expressed heartfelt thanks to Crowne Plaza Sun Palace Beijing for offering two days board and lodging for the students free of charge; Macrolink Group for providing the funds to buy bags and thermos cups for summer campers; Ms. Zheng Mei, Beijing Nuorandeli Trade Co. Ltd., for provinding T-shirts for the students; Ms. Chen Mengzhu and Huang Wei, for volunteering from Beijing and giving up their summer vacation to keep students company. Ms. Gao also thanked the many other volunteers who dedicated their time to welcome and care for the students of Nanpi.
Mr. Shen Guochuan, manager of Crowne Plaza Sun Palace Beijing, gave a warm welcome and expressed his blessings to the students. Then, the pupils performanced various dances, songs and poetry reading, which expressed their yearning and pursuit of a happy future. Then, Mr. Shen Guochuan and Ms. Gao Huan awarded camp certificates and took pictures with the students. Mr. Cheng Xu, on behalf of Macrolink Group, presented gifts to teachers and students of the summer camp and expressed blessings to the students. The stage play, “Maternal love is the greatest,” by Liyuexianxianshe was the most anticipated event. Lead by the staff from Liyuexianxianshe, all attendants participated in the play and reenacted the selflessness of maternal love. At last, teachers and students from Rothlin Primary School performed “The Grateful Heart” in sign language, which expressed thanks to their guests and those who helped them during the camp.
The summer camp closing ceremony ended in joy, laughter, and gratitude.
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