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Representatives of CIBE Attended the Opening Ceremony of Phukha Medlar Liquor Flagship Shop

Date:2012-9-14 22:37:26

On the morning of September 11th, 2012, the Opening Ceremony of the Flagship Shop of Phukha Medlar liquor in Beijing made by Jiangzhong Group is held in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. Around 100 guests from related from related industries and guests from Ministry of Commerce, PLA Academy of Military Medical Science, Department of Commerce of Jiangxi Province, Beijing Association for Liquor Circulation, Beijing Municipal Government and Jiangzhong Group were invited to attend the ceremony and press conference. Professor Liu Baocheng and Dr. Stephan Rothlin, director and Secretary General of Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE) were also invited by the organizer Beijing Puka Nuoyi Trade Company Co., Ltd to attend the activity.

As the exclusive distributor in Beijing of Phukha Medlar Liquor made by Jiangzhong Group, Beijing Puka Nuoyi Trade Company is in charge of the sales and marketing of the Liquor. Especially made for business and political dignities, Phukha Medlar Liquor is produced from pure medlar, which is in line with the modern health-oriented consuming concepts. With the fragrance of medlar, the liquor can protect your liver, kidney. Those who drink the liquor won’t get drunk easily and if drunk, they can be woken up quickly.
As a strategic partner of CIBE, Beijing Puka Nuoyi Trade Company often participates in social exposure activities organized by CIBE and has made donations to the Rothlin Primary School and No 1 Middle School in Nanpi County in Hebei Province, one of the poverty stricken counties designated by the State and contributes a lot to the development of education in poverty stricken areas.
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