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The 1st International Forum on China CSR Education Opened in Beijing

Date:2012-9-21 14:39:13
On the afternoon of September 14th, 2012, The 1st International Forum on China CSR Education was held in the Yingdong Conference Hall in Beijing Normal University. Representatives of CIBE, CSR Directors of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), Ministry of Civil Affairs (MOCA) and Corporate, experts, scholars and representatives of MPA students participated in the forum.
As the Honorary Chairman of Global Advisory Board for China Institute of Social Responsibility (CISR) and the Vice President of GE, Mr. Bob Corcoran said that in the past 100 years, GE’s business in China has developed a lot and GE’s social responsibility has also been strengthened, which is reflected in three aspects: make money, make money ethically and distinctive CSR Practice. Bob expressed his appreciation for people in all the fields who contribute to CSR development. Prof. Zhang Xiulan, Dean of CISR said that in the currently globalized world, social development faces both new opportunities and challenges. Therefore, professionals in the education field have to shoulder more responsibility. She advocates that teachers should shift from “Turning Knowledge to Action” to “Uniting Knowledge and Action”. Only with an open attitude can we learn globally and realize the common development of knowledge and talents. Then, Zhang also introduced the concept and advantage of CSR-MPA program to the guests.
According to Prof. William Valentino, Vice Dean of CISR and Advisory Board Committee member of the Center for International Business ethics, the two organizations should strengthen communication to contribute to CSR development of the whole society.
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